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Monday, May 23, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looking for Internet Wholeseller Expert

I am now learning to know-how selling products in websites.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Internet Marketing Executive

An Attractive Job

Internet Marketing Executive
  • Spend half of your time thinking of creative ways to improve the adverts you see on TV?
  • Consider Firefox and Internet Explorer your best of friends you can’t live without?
  • Enjoyed your University classes on Business, Sales and Marketing?
  • Dream of someday running a profitable Internet Retail Store?

In this position, you will:
  • Develop new ideas and online advertising opportunities creatively for reaching end user markets using the latest internet technologies such as web, blog, online social community and other forms of communication tools.
  • Improve website content by working with the in-house designer to produce materials of visual impact and within brand guidelines.
  • Communicate to the rest of marketing team and company-wide initiatives about new innovations and how they can be used to leverage marketing efforts.
  • Assist in the planning and execution of the company's overall marketing communication programs as well as brand management.
  • Do market research and competitor analysis.
  • Do events planning, organization and execution.
  • Write and distribute press releases.
  • Evaluate marketing campaigns and monitoring competitor activity.
  • Analyze pricing positions and managing budget.
  • Facilitate the company in events and exhibition.

  • Candidate must possess at least a Professional Certificate, Diploma or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma in any discipline.
  • Required skill(s): Computer Knowledge, Internet Savvy.
  • Required language(s): English, Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia.
  • Preferably Executives specializing in Internet Marketing/Business Development or equivalent.
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills.
  • Strong understanding of new technologies and how they can be applied to marketing.
  • A strong team player with good interpersonal skills.
  • Analytical, dynamic and result oriented, excellent organizational, presentation, communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Exceptional writing skills to develop persuasive messages for promotion campaigns.
  • Creative, responsive, resourceful, passionate with positive attitude.
  • Experienced in media planning and buying with media and press contacts.
  • Experienced in integrated marketing & communications strategic planning.
  • Highly motivated team player who consistently strives to exceed goals and push revenue expectations.
  • Ability to adapt to changing environments quickly and easily.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


1.朦胧醒来回你信息.. 2.半夜里接你的电话.. 3.告诉你——到家了就发消息给他.. 4.你半夜睡不着发消息给他..他会陪你聊天.. 5.雨天..同撑一把伞..他衣服的一半是湿的.. 6.不论走到哪里..都一直拉着你的手.. 7.愿意吃你吃不下的东西.. 8.从来不迟到..你迟到他不会生气 9.不论去哪里..他都会来接你..无怨无悔.. 10.不乱花钱..但肯为你花钱.. 11.拥抱很久..很紧.. 12.记得你说过的所有事.. 13.轻轻拧开你拧不开的汽水瓶.. 14.常常发消息告诉你..突然很想你..... 15.常常给你留言.. 16.不舒服时..他会很担心很着急.. 17.吵架时不会一走了之.. 18.他错了会认错..你错了不会怪你.. 19.吵架后..会无条件地哄你..放下面子.. 20.从不忍心责备你..无条件包容你.. 21.会一直保护你..害怕你受一点点委屈.. 22.你说笑话他会笑..会觉得你很可爱.. 23.比你高.. 24.会一个人安静地思考..但决不冷漠.. 25.许多方面都很厉害..让你崇拜.. 26.会一直夸你..给你鼓励.. 27.不对你隐瞒什么.. 28.百分百信任你.. 29.不花言巧语.. 30.不会因为玩游戏而忽略你.. 31.不抽烟少喝酒.. 32.有活动安排事先和你打招呼.. 33.和朋友出去时..要想着你.. 34.重大的事情和你商量.. 35.和大人在一起像大人..和孩子在一起像孩子.. 36.喜欢你..从未犹豫..不拿你和别的女孩子比较.. 37.从未想过离开你的世界.. 38.你买给他的东西他都会喜欢.. 39.对女孩子有风度..也有距离.. 40.认识你的一些好朋友..拜托她们照顾你.. 41.了解你的烦恼与困惑..不厌其烦地倾听.. 42.很少让你哭..你哭的时候会很心疼..紧紧地抱住你..告诉你都是他的错.. 43.可以随时找到他.. 44.靠在他肩膀的时候很安心.. 45.和他在一起有种温暖的感觉.. 46.不重色轻友..也不重友轻色.. 47.计划的未来里..你是重要的一部分..



我却不想浪费 所谓的时间
喔 我要 相信这直觉
喔 我要 更直接

我再也停不了 奔向关于你的世界
就算路很远 也有可能遇见危险

就算那过程 总会叫人失眠整夜
我知道你就是 你就是我旅程的终点



我再也停不了 奔向关于你的世界
就算路很远 也有可能遇见危险

就算那过程 总会叫人失眠整夜
我知道你就是 你就是我旅程的终点
走左边 走右边
能不能 能不能

忘不掉 忘不掉
这一秒 这一秒



Monday, May 02, 2011

Gain Weight = 59 - 65kg

I want to gain weight.

According to BMI(Body Mass Index) calculator,

My weight right now is underweight, which is only 53kg. My height is 168cm. It results in BMI is 18.8kg/m2.

In order to gain a normal weight, I must achieve at least 59 (People Choice Ideal Weight) to 65kg with the height of 168cm. BMI will just reach to 23 kg/m2.

BMI between 17 to 22; life span might be longer than average
Men are satisfied with a BMI of 23 to 25.

obesity, n = increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat.
adolescent, n = A young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity


The basic principle of weight gain is simple: You need to consume more calories than you expend. Follow these 10 tips.

i. Eat more calories

This involves some calculation. The approximate normal daily caloric requirement for an average male who performs light activity is 2,200; for a female, it is 1,900.You need to eat around 1,000 extra calories per day to gain less than half a kilo a week.

Do the math. Eat larger portions and eat at least five meals a day.

Your actual caloric requirement can differ depending on your height, weight, activity level and your body's metabolic rate.

ii. Make smart choices

For example, choose dairy products, fish and meat over bread. Choose eggs over vegetables.

Eat foods with high protein content such as beans, pulses and peas, and foods with high starch content such as potatoes, rice and tapioca.

One hour spinning = perfect body

iii. Protein is important

Increase your protein intake. Your body needs a lot of protein to build new muscle. But since most of the calories for weight gain comes from carbohydrates and fats, do not replace them with protein.

iv. Snack a lot

Consume a lot of high-calorie snacks (not junk food) such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruits, yoghurt and breakfast bars.

16 healthy Ayurvedic mantras

v. Fluids help too

Drink a lot of fluids that supply nutrients and calories; milk, fresh fruit juices and energy drinks are good examples.

vi. Intensify workouts

Aerobics are great, right? Not for weight gain!

You need to exercise really hard and intensely to gain muscle mass.

Is walking better than running?

vii. Weights are the way to go

Focus on free weight exercises (which do not require machinery) that target your large muscle groups. For example, you need dumbells, not fancy gym machines.

Free weights put the most stress on muscles and stimulate the maximum number of muscle fibres.

The best weight training exercises for building muscle mass are free weight exercises like squats, dead lifts, bench presses, barbell rows, pull ups and bar dips.

These exercises are best done under supervision, but they don't need machinery.

viii. Space out your workouts

If you have a high basic metabolic rate -- which means you expend a lot of energy even at rest -- you need short intense workouts instead of long periods of low-stress activity.

Are carbs bad for you?

ix. Creatine?

Creatine supplements can help some athletes gain weight. It is not known if it is because it gives them spurts of energy or because it adds water weight.

More research is needed in this area before Creatine becomes that magic pill. Creatine supplements are available at all major health food stores, but do not take it without consulting your doctor.

x. Be consistent

It might take a long time, usually a few months, for the weight to actually show. Some people get frustrated and quit when they fail to see drastic results.

Your body will only responds to a consistent schedule. No weight gain programme will work for you if you are not regular.

Heredity does pay a major role in determining your weight. Effective weight training and a smart diet can help you exceed your genetically predetermined weight.