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Life List

Do not misunderstand the meaning of between "Life List" & "Business List". Both are different in values and means. Life list comprehend business list. Life list concludes everything and anything I want to learn, experience & achieve in my lifetime. My goal must be specific.

After listing out the life list, I need to plan on
- Which one can be / must be complete first or later;
- Which one benefits you, and/or others;
- Which one will take shorter / longer time than the others;
- Certain goals require some help and social network in order to succeed.

先求有,先把想做的事情,列出20个,然后依照轻重缓急,喜欢程度进行排列,再求好。在不断的比对的过程中,就会看出哪些是首选,哪些是备案,进而规划执行顺序,这就是[漏斗式清单列法] - 刘宜欣

人生是事实, 意义是价值, 价值判断因人而异, 所以生命的意义也是因人而异 。



1. Gunung Kinabalu

1. Taiwan - Taoyuan & Kaohsiung 6/9/18 - 13/9/18
2. China
3. Hong Kong
4. Korea
5. Japan
6. Paris
7. London
8. Perak - Kuala Kangsar, Sepetang, Sungkai, Karai, Teluk Intan, Tok Alang, Ipoh, Batu Berangkai, Gopeng, Sepetang/Duck Farm/Charcoal Factory  14/9/14 Schedule, Pulau Pangkor 29-28/4/18
9. Penang - Wall Painting
10. Bali (Completed: 19 Aug 2011 - 23 Aug 2011) Schedule
11. Cambodia - Siem Reap (Completed :3 April 2014 - 7 April 2014) Schedule

1. Great Wall of China
2. The colossus of Rhodes
3. The Eiffel Tower
4. The Empire State Building
5. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
6. The Leaning Tower of Pisa
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria
8. The Piramid of Giza
9. The Statue of Zeus
10. The Taj Mahal
11. The Temple of Artemis



  1. To have a girl friend and soul mate
  2. Get married and have 2 children - 大马男人想「娶老婆」必须面对的11个花费/(Reference only)
  3. Teach children everything I know
  4. To become healthy and live until year 2060 (80 years old)
  5. Create a Journey to intimacy song dedicated to my facilitator - Mr Angus
  6. Sharing music lesson with students in my university
  7. Read the works of Sun Tzu, Confucius
  8. Complete of Sun Chin Khoo website
  9. Complete my CeMBA course
  10. Complete an online Photography Website (
  11. Do social networking to attract more traffic to in Facebook (target 1000)
  12. Spend some time with mother to local travel, sponsor them
  13. Travel with mother to Taiwan trip
  14. Conduct photography course(e.g weekly classes with model (e.g. cosplay, utar model, couple, portrait)
  15. Have my dream house - Double Storey house
  16. Have my first SOHO office
  17. Do charity work in university- Route of Love 2013 & 2015 (Cycling event)
  18. Record father's profile, essence of knowledge Fengshui|Fu|Religious|History
  19. Have my own binding website/social networking
  20. Gain weight to 70kg
  21. Travel along with 3 of my KB friends to any Europe countries.
  22. Give Photography Lessons to Students through facebook page / face-to-face / youtube
  23. Join one of the photography studio  for e.g
  24. Conduct Free Sharing Session about Photography - (Bar Camp 2012 in UTAR Completed on 25/2 & 26/2/2012.
  25. Penang Run Bridge Marathon in 10km Open on 16 November 2014 (Completed on 16 November 2014)
  26. Winning awards in external activities (WPPI, MPA & WPPA international awards)
  27. Self-Travel to one of the Asia Country
  28. Visit my 3 KB best friends and their family 16/2/19 (Max Cheam)
  29. Taking group photo with my 3 best friend in Penang
  30. To become a real estate agent/consultant
  31. To open a Coffee + Light Food + Board Games Cafe + ice cream puff cafe
  32. To participate in business awards e.g.
  33. Have my first comic Drawing facebook page
  34. Create an album that has history of me (e.g. Rock Concert, Photo published in newspaper
  35. Partipate in Canon PhotoMarathon
  36. Do a video campus shooting
  37. Once in a life time, officer in charge of rock concert international in university grand hall. UTAR website reference
  38. Invest in properties/stock/unit trust/gold
  39. Study all plants that is good for tradition medicine.
  40. Study property
  41. Introduce Chinese plant online
  42. Do art collection/exhibition like Poesy
  43. Photo Shoot 10 places of shopping mall, christmas trees in Malaysia
  44. Do Volunteerism work
  45. Create MV on youtube
  46. Create short film on youtube
  47. Drawing my comic book in Facebook
  48. To rent and booth for promoting my comic stuff. Comic fiesta
  49. To create my newspaper cutting album/online website
  50. Local travel within 2 months once. To read more about places that I have been traveled, please click here.
  51. Study CFP Certified Financial Planner
  52. To have my first house - Purchased at Kampar small town in 2014.  Single Storey house
  53. To learn english vocabulary 1000 words in 1 week - related to my interest e.g. business/communication/photography/property
  54. To learn english conversation and pronunciation by watching movie/drama. 3 to 4 months per episode
  55. To have a good habit - wellness (mind, body and spirit)
  56. To become a professional speaker in guiding students on financial and time management
  57. Learn how to do presentation e.g. Ted
  58. Organised company trip to Cameron Highland Accomplished on 22/4 & 23/4 
  59. Writing e-article and earn money e.g. COCO01
  60. ex-DSA gathering
  61. Video assignment - record all 50+ clubs & societies videos intro
  62. Video assignment - campus e.g. Campus with 20+ views 
  63. Get along with Guan Liang selfie photo, bar camp 2012, photoshoot with artist/celebrity - Jimmy Choo, Pua Khein-Seng
  64. Write & publish a book
  65. Have my own commerce website
  66. Conduct e-commerce course
  67. Conduct business/marketing course
  68. Publish online ebook
  69. Write a Song Composing ebook
  70. Provide a IT seminar to a group of students
  71. Write a song to my favourite artist - Emil Chau
  72. Able to take a photo with my favorite artist - Emil Chau
  73. Create my debut album - Yuan Lao album
  74. Create my friends album - 4U album
  75. Interview in newspaper/magazine
  76. Rebuild temple
  77. Have my own video production website
  78. Have my own music recording studio
  79. Create Youtube Board Game teaching lesson on line for Malaysian
  80. Develop DIY Board Game - horoscope game/Water
  81. Complete the course of Ling Wen Xin Piano Lesson online
  82. Join Toastmaster
  83. Earn 10K from ecommerce (RM5000) + photography service (RM5000)
  84. Create youtube channel and continuously work on  that - photoshop and book sharing
  85. To have my second house for investment. RM200K + RM50 Deco
  86. To deco my first house become homestay RM50K
  87. To attend Opera and to enjoy the atmosphere and music - Accomplished 30/7/19

1. Old Walls
2. Model Male, Female
3. UTAR Building
4. Landscape
5. Baby
6. Flowers
7. Lake
8. Waterfall
9. Grass
10. Vast
11. Wedding
12. Bridge
13. Bugs
14. Birds
15. Sunset

What skills do you want to excel?
- English

- Interpersonal Skill
- Negotiation Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Speaking

- Investment
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Finance

Science & Arts
- Photography
- Tao
- Drawing

- Calligraphy

Politics & Historical
- Malaysia Politics& other countries

- Music Composing
- Guitar
- Keyboard
- Flute
- Playing Video Games

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