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Tuesday, December 31, 2013





生活中虽忙碌,有困难,但是觉得今年好事也很多。有时人的想法是非常重要。如果你觉得自己很不幸运,那幸运之星就永远不会来到你身边。因为我相信那些负能量会带来负面的。懂得开朗,如Hendry,懂得守时如Angus,懂得赞赏人如Mel,懂得沉默如Serena,懂得让自己开心如Alice,懂得询问如Ricky,懂得观察人如CheeMan,懂得帮助人如Kelvin, 懂得关心人如Chloe,懂得和不同的人相处如Erica,懂得笑容如Sheau Huey, 懂得轻松处理如Chiang, 懂得慢慢的进步如phoon, 懂得定位自己如Jet。




What am I most proud of this year?

ppl said tht i have changed a lot compared to last time

How can I become a better _____________?

Read more books

Where am I feeling stuck?

Dealing with society that facing a huge financial losses

Where do I need to allow myself grace?


Am I passionate about my career?


What lessons have I learned?

learn how to treat ppl

What did I my finances look like?


How did I spend my free time?

Travel, reading book, watching movie

How well did I take care of my body, mind, and soul?

average, think more positive

How have I been open-minded?

nvr take thing too serious

When did I feel most creatively inspired?

when give present to someone creatively

What projects have I completed?

josai, cultural fiesta, cycling event

How have I procrastinated?

reading books, editing photo

In what ways can I re-structure my time?

morning learn know how to wake up early, and do important thing in the early time before 12 noon

How have I allowed fear of failure hold me back?


Where has self-doubt taken over?

When making a decision on event

When have I felt the most alive?

when photo shooting

How have I taught others to respect me?

respect others

How can I improve my relationships?

be more caring

Have I been unfair to anyone?


Who do I need to forgive?

learn how to forgive ppl

Where is it time to let go?

when time is right

What old habits would I like to release?

wake up late, grooming

What new habits would I like to cultivate?

being more organised, time management - less time for unimportant things

How can I be kind to myself?

treat myself a good meal, buy dress, and IT stuff.