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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Things to try during in Cambodia, Siem Reap

Siem Reap -  3 May - 7 May 2014

- Take beautiful photograph
Use all techniques, close-up, leading line, symmetric, etc. (Completed)

- Try different transport to a destination -Travel by Tut-Tut,
- Sunrise & Sunset, Angkor wat
- Try roadside's food - Chicken porridge
- Try to send postcard back to Malaysia - 2 postcards; 1 for myself; 1 for gsu staff
- Play a light games with them - no time

Cambodia Schedule

03 May 14
Morning: Check in and settle down everything

Afternoon: Visit Beang Meala (Hindu Temple in Angkor Wat Style) and then sunset over on the lake at Kom Pong Pluk (Tonle Sap Lake)

Description: Away from Angkor Area

4 May 14
7.30am: Visit Roluos Group with 3 temples (Town Area)

Afternoon: Visit Angkor Wat and sunset on Bakheng Mountain, Dinner and Show (Angkor Area)

05 May 14
5am: Sunrise at angkor wat (Angkor Area) and visit Ta Prom hotel (Passby when back to GH) rest and breakfast

Afternoon: Visit Preah Khan, Neak Pean and Angkor Thom (Angkor Area)

06 May 14
6.30am: Visit Banteay Srei and Pre Rup (Angkor Area)

Afternoon: Shopping at art school and old market

07 May 14

Price: 145 USD per pax

Above rate covered only
1 3 days pass
2 4 days tour guide
3 4 days mini van plus transfer out
4 one dinner and show
5 beang meala passes
6 boat trip over at kom pong pluk

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lighting Solution

Wedding - 7 Photos Must-Have Reception Details

ISO - 100 - 200
Shuttle Speed = 1/30 (Blurry around people moving around)
Aperture - compensate with shuttle/ max details

Plate cards
Small details to big pictures/entire scenes
Pleasant composition - arrange it if possible, to linear line
Shoot between shot - zoom len 70-200, it makes really dramatic image

1. Full room
2. Seat assignment table
3. Giveaways
4. Place settings
5. Full table
6. Sweetheart table
7. Cake

Saturday, April 19, 2014











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