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Thursday, April 27, 2017


How to Stay Focused

Focus really determines the quality of your life.

All these new outlets which publish all these popular content, they just want your attention because wherever goes to money flows, it's all to do with money, it is a to do with vagenda of advertiser and they want to waste your time, they want to waste the most valuable resource you've got and you have to come to that level of higher awareness and realise that "I am not going to let them control me. I am going to stay focus on my personal mission.

3 proven method for gaining self-discipline

1. Change my identity. View yourself as millionaire, you gonna be millionaire. View yourself as youtube. Purpose of the goal is to see who you want to become to achieve the goal. Think about the goal you have achieved in the past. Did it change you?
2. Setting a big forfeit - the reason being is that human beings are twice as motivated to avoid pain than they are to see pleasure. Pain & Pleasure principle;  Reward yourself when you do something good.
3. Accountability - The more people  you tell in whatever you want to achieve, the more likely you are going to achieve it; coaching is powerful - help you in assisting and mastering your life.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


1. 投入的去爱一次
2. 体验挫折,承受失败,学会反抗
3. 体验一次军旅生活
4. 衷心感谢家人
5. 挑战一次极限
6. 要有几个好朋友
7. 培养一种个人爱好
8. 重新认识你的对手
9. 至少每年游玩一次
10. 写一个小自传


Reference : Sin Chew 




Reference - Sin Chew