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Friday, January 21, 2022

Production Team - 的心酸



We don't stress on one leader,  every single event you will see a team of leaders together, because we want to show that we are in this collective, not driven by personality interest.

The developed malaysia which I want to build is even if you change 10 governments in a year, Malaysian continues to move forward because the system is strong enough. 

Sunday, January 02, 2022

2022 新年快乐

新的一年,祝大家新年快乐。 拼搏了十五年之久,终于来到开花结果的一天。 我升职了!我成为了小经理。算是新年的一份“尊贵的礼物”。我要保持谦虚和仁义。我会重视这份职业,在这两年当中做一个称职的经理。希望我的团队也能够和我一起努力进步, 成为被人信任和尊重的小队长。 感谢的人太多。当中包括了我的老板 Mr Chiang,我的Referree Ms Hee & Mr Kenny, 我的团队Serena, Ou, Phoon。我的同事,Alice, Apple, Chloe, Jet, May, Xiao Zhang, Wai Kit 一直默默的为我加油打气,给予我满满的正能量。

(Old Position > New Position)





