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Sunday, May 15, 2022


出乎预料,去年参加了一个unifi的比赛,是要写短篇的作文,来说unifi的好。我那时候的心情不觉得会中,只是玩玩而已。谁知道,收到电话,说我拿到第三奖。我觉得不可思议,有点不相信眼前的一切发生在我身上。之前还跟同事聊到说,我很想买Nitendo Switch,因为看到Zelda的Gameplay很好玩。但要花费Rm2+++。我暂时放下。如今,我梦想实现,拿到Playstation。开心死了。我现在相信,有时候,机会就是要尝试把握,别觉得不可能。一切都有可能发生。

The setup page that will only appear once in a lifetime.

Save time, energy and most importantly , stay safe during MCO. Our family still can stay connected and engage with our relatives and friends at anytime and get to watch any local and global news via unifi in a high speed connection.