[Remember dear, happy or not happy, it just a matter of how you behave yourself in life. Don't be too ignorant. Always think and act positively and everything will be fine. Don't judge people based on your intuition. If you wanna help them, showing them a concern is the only way to find the love. - 5 Jun 2005]
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Monday, January 01, 2029
十年后的今天,你已经是四十九岁(49 years old)
恭喜你摆脱了九到五的工作,跳出舒适圈,朝着自己最想做的事业去发展。你已经成为一位在企业和社会上非常成功的人。你已经成为一位全职摄影,录影,画画三大艺术的专业人士,也成为外人说的杠杆职业生涯。为艺术坚持,不怕人家的批评和冷嘲热讽。创造了自己的小王国。Digital Marketing, Photo & Videography, E-commerce, Graphic Design, Online Emcee, 教师有关。
除了这些,你非常积极的参加工作以外的活动,目的是认识和扩大更多的人脉。你加入了JCI 大家庭;你成为International Photographer & Videographer 国际会员;在网络上一直不断的分享你的作品,还有参加了比赛,出了这些,你还加入了 Non-profit Organisation 或私人界活动,你也很热忱的为社会贡献如做慈善Sponsor,做义工及回馈母校。
家人方面,你还有一位七十六(76 years old) 的母亲,还很健康,母亲不再像以前那样那么负面,健康方面良好,我和哥姐给了她正能量和安慰。母亲见证了我的幸福。至于我哥和姐的生活,也比较自律。不再责怪自己或他人,心态也变好了,人也改观了,生活家庭孩子幸福,也能够自力更生,我和他们关系也变好了。
财富方面,赚了人生一百万(RM1,000,000) 。这都来自有系统和Portfolio 来自储蓄,投资和创业所得来的。
完成我人生另一个目标,背包旅行到Asian Countries.
CY Khor
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
伊斯兰党可怕吗?马来选民在想什么?突破同温层的一场对谈!ft 袁怀绍
伊斯兰党可怕吗?马来选民在想什么?突破同温层的一场对谈!ft 袁怀绍
Thursday, January 05, 2023
Bikini Issue
Melaka to hold meeting over bikini issue on Pulau Besar
'No Bikini' signs on Pulau Besar only after in-depth talks, says Melaka mayor
Royal Thai Navy responds to bikini controversy on Koh Samae San, says it is a recommendation, not a ban, will change signs
Ban Lottery and restrict selling alcohol
Sanusi: Liquor licence in Langkawi is under MoF jurisdiction, not state govt
MB: Kedah will still ban gaming even if it loses RM400m yearly
Wednesday, January 04, 2023
Blomberg 500 billionaire
Wednesday, December 07, 2022
Tuesday, December 06, 2022
Tak ada Telur - illustration
30 mil / 968 mil = Supply only 3% per month?!
Egg being produced in Malaysia is about 30mil (3000万/30,000,000)per day.
Egg produce per month is 968 mil = 968,000,000 biji sebulan (九亿6千8百万)
30,000,000 x 30 = 900,000,000 (九亿)
Reference: 独家|“非开会2小时宣布降价就解决” 蛋农:鸡蛋不能再列统制品
Reference: Mat Sabu did not mention about egg price (China version)
Reference 2: https://twitter.com/RashidYusoff11/status/1600038334134251520/photo/1
黄晓虹点评:Sin Chew daily
confiscation : taken away 没收
upload the alleged defamatory material : 上传涉嫌诽谤的材料
was seized from : no longer be returning back
Intimidation: 恐吓
As part of police procedures, a mobile phone and a sim card, believed to be the one used to upload the alleged defamatory material on social media, was seized from him for the digital forensics analysis process. It is not an act of intimidation, he said in the statement, last night.
Bernas and The challenges
Referencce: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/12/858167/anwar-i-am-not-trying-destroy-syed-mokhtars-empire
Anwar first moved is to help poor paddy farmer. Syed Mortar has agreed to allocate 10 million for poor paddy farmer this month and Bernas would give RM50 million next year.
#bernas #paddy-farmer
Ini syarikat-syarikat yang paling kaya dalam negara kita. Tapi saya mengambil keputusan dasar, mengapa kita tidak boleh dikurangkan? ... Saya tidak mengambil kelulusan tanpa berunding.
... sawah padi termasuk di kedah, diantara rakyat, orang melayu paling miskin di negara ini.
Jeritlah Melayu dan islam, tetapi nasib orang melayu terutama orang miskin tidak terbela.
Reference: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2022/12/05/anwar-puts-spotlight-on-syed-mokhtars-rice-monopoly/
At a press conference this afternoon, he had spoken to syed mokhtar,"and he had been reprimanded (被训诉) because he monopolises rice imports".
Reference: Anwar puts spotlight on Syed Mokhtar’s rice monopoly
Rafizi challenges PN to break his record of being sued, locked up for exposing graft
in a video on TikTok has challenged PN as the opposition to beat his personal record of being locked up and sued for speaking up against corruption and abuse of power
Rafizi encouraged PN to be a strong opposition and expose any corruption and abuse of power by Anwar administration.
If possible, to the point of breaking my record of being put into lockup multiple times and sued 16 times.
Better if you can beat that.
Firstly, isn't the act of turning down the King's proposal for a unity government going against what PN has been campaigning in wanting to safeguard the Malays and their institutions?
Secondly, why would they want to form a government by "stealing" members of Parliament from other parties. when the people have so clearly rejected "political traitor" and have rejected almost all the MPs who were involved in the Sheraton Move.
Thirdly, what was the use of passing the anti-hopping law if it were to be discarded to pursue personal desires to become the government of the day?