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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

2005中国流行音乐原创作品 入选佳作出炉

Finally the result has came out. I'm not in the list. Sigh~ Eventhough I had failed this time, but I will still keep going on. This is only my first time participate on this kind of competition, hope the coming competition will arise by next year. Below are the participants who succesfully go into final round. Congrates to all of them.

幸福意外 陈仁丰
仲夏的昏黄 刘永辉
我让你走 李江雁
憧憬与遗憾 陈奕源、傅志才
拥抱 Jasemaine
情何以堪 刘翰国
是与非 罗慧君
折翼天使 黄荣显
学会 佘金鸿、陈光良
春风 陈思聪

1 comment:

Cely said...

do u have the mp3 of 陈仁丰 幸福意外 ?
Or can u tell me anywhere i can download it ? i like the song very much~