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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Plan to doing some 'Large' Project!!

After the competition, it is really a great experience and also a chance to meet with many composers. They are all great people and talented. Few days before, I have received a great news from Huey.

The message is written as below:
1) 发表会上卖的合集cd = 收入了每人‘一首’最满意的歌曲,除07-01比赛之歌曲几曾经获奖之歌曲。 (最好是近期新创作)
2)发表会选用之歌曲:每人准备任何俩首创作歌曲在当天发表 (除cd合集之歌曲)。

The message simply telling me that we are getting to come out an album which consists of 8 out of 10 contestants' songs. Each of us must prepare 2 songs for the album. This album will be going to promote to buyers.

This is a great new and also a rare opportunity. Not everyone can able to do it unless there is a full resources and people. (天时地利人合)。 Thankz for my great great frens who helping me to achieve this dream . I hope it can success.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Song Composing Competition 7/01/06

I was so nervous when finally I was on the stage again performing a song called -'自伤自怜'。Self-Sadness

However, I'm quite satisfied with my performance after watching back the video clip. But, there was a few mistakes. First, I think I shouldn't walk too much as what my fren, Cat said. "It is very important to have walking, but not to walk too much as audient hard to focus you."
- Haha.. wat a mess

Second, I shouldn't face too much area, even left, right, middle, up and down. I have looked too much angle until I just realized that this action had troubled my audience view.

Third, DON't ever forget lyric. It is important not to forget lyric when on stage. If you had forgotten, you must continue to perform your song without seing you had done any mistake.

Certain aspects that I feel that the organizer did not do well on their job bcoz they were not fully estimate on how many prizes they should give to presenters. One of the girl was not getting any prize and feel ashamed when she was called to go out and receive the prize. I feel really pity to her. Another thing is that I very doubt about the judgers (although I salute them), they not really pro enough to choose who is the best singer and performance. I really feel dissapointed once I watched the video. I think maybe they're hiding 'something', something that cannot be 'disclosed'

Although I feel a bit angry, but, as long as I acheive my objective, that is to get a medal, I get my confident back to music. I'm happy bcoz my frens went to support me and I very thank them. I hope that this kind of event will be coming again as more and more new composers and writters appear and have the opportunity to collaborate with them.

Now, I have meet some new Kaki (frens). I think I will be getting to know more about them if I meet them one day.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Farewell 2005!

Yesterday afternoon, 7 of us including my housemates and classmates, went to sungai wang to see sau fun performance. It was rainy day. The event was delayed and we able to see her performed on the stage. What a relief. I thought that I would miss her performance but it wouldn't. After watching this, we went to 'Da Ren' Esquire Kitchen to have our dinner. Later on, we quickly went back to home bcoz we knew that during countdown, kl would be jamming. Therefore, we did not want to stuck there and couldn't come back. After came back to home and rest for a while we suggested to go watching firewood at 'Small Genting'. Haha.... We finally reached there 12 midnight sharp and we did see the firewood but quite far far away. Sigh~.. but at least our plan was success. Haha...

Later on we went back to Kajang to have Kajang satay. Welcome 2006 and Say Goodbye to 2005!!