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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Title Amendment

After gone through my blogger, I found out that there was something missing in my blogger. My blogger should not just include music + career + luv. It should be more.

I finally rephrased my title and added more issue which I would like to tell. My interest refers to composing music and reading (Biz, Law, Chinese, English and Historical). My Luv refers to family & friends relationship. Healthy refers to my healthy life and sweet memories. $ refers to money which I believed that with all of these, my life will be at a very satisfactory stage.

I keep searching my interest and my path. In order to decide my path is not as easy as I thought. It is hard to predict what your future will be. I dare not say I already 100% confirm of my interest and my path, but I can affirm that I'm closing to it.

Hoping that God always bless me and my vitality and great mentality will last long forever.

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