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Friday, September 14, 2007

Creative way of learning

1. Listening to the songs and sing out loud

2. Recording down your voice while reading from the book you want to read(if you feel your voice is silly, change it to another tone) so that you won'll feel annoying and willing to listen it.

3. Choose articles which you like and read out loud.

4. Go through your book few times. Repeat your reading and practice it in your real life

5. If you want to hold on certain ideas from the book you have read, place it prominently in your home.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Looking for a better Job?

When you feel that this job is not suitable for you, it may because of few
1.) You do not have the knowledge even you get the job that you want.
2.) You do not like the job and yet you feel that this job is the only one that
you can get high salary.
3.) You simply choose job whichever you apply for.
4.) You cannot cope with the environment or the cultural of the company.
5.) You feel that you are wasting your time when working on that job.
6.) It is questionable about getting into promotion in future.
7.) You are in doubt of getting other new job that is related to your current
job- now.

Many people think that the knowledge that we learn from school, college, or university are wasted and not be put into practice. In my opinion, that is not truth. It is simply because we do not know how to apply our knowledge into practice and it does not mean we do not have a chance to practice it. Chance is not received from granted. We only get a better chance when we appreciate our current job and if we are working hard.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007





A good start

Everyone must have been thought that one day they want to become as a businessman, scientist, doctor and so forth.

No matter what you want to do, it is important for us to have a good start. A good fundamental preparation is a vital step before moving into the next steps.

Not many people is willing to take risk once they satisfied with what they have now. I would always remind myself that I should not feel satisfaction in what I am doing right now. Even I have reached to the higher stage. I need to challenge myself and to become a great 'warrior'. Everyone has wild-ambitious. The great sign of it is that you would feel more enjoyable when working along with your right path.

Without a doubt, a good start must have a well-prepared and to have a great in passion, desire and interest. Without these you will be losing all along your way. Everyone must try their best to get what they want instead of wishing that your return is greater than your hard work.

Many creativity ideas and planning i have been thinking of until now but none of these have been completed. I'm wondering how am I going to reach on that stage. But, one thing for sure is that I wont give up my hope 'till the end of my life. I will keep searching and doing the best I can and hoping that one day I can become a successful entrepreneur.

Monday, September 03, 2007


I ever dream of getting award and recognition of my dream career or business. I will keep searching what are the award that is given by many organizer and the objectives of it.

I will keep upload all the website addresses here so that you guys can check it out.

One of the awards presented by Nokia 6300. It is very good for anyone who hopes that one day they can become a social enterpreneurship like them. :)

Kindly go through this website


It is for sure that many people do not bother what is law until things happened. They would rather hire a lawyer to handle the case. Certain laws we should know and it is for our own good. I'm more likely to read those articles which have more relate towards our real life.

I would like to share some articles regarding law in Malaysia

Credit for Project Bazooka

I would like to intro you our local social enterpreneur who is promoting our local bands and artist and album in their website,

Please go through their website and find out more about their stories!