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Sunday, August 07, 2011


I finally found out that there is a perfect match for me.

I have always been thinking on how to improve myself in my career path. Eventually, I had decided to choose on becoming a SOHO trainer before entering to another level, which is a professional trainer.

The diagram looks like this.

E-Commerce (lifelong)- I found out that I am an Internet Savvy and more likely to surfing online to find out what is the latest popular products in market. Besides, I am also knowing how to create website. Therefore, I want to involve in Internet Marketing and Online Business to seek opportunity for money. I am seeking for professional certificate to recognize that I am a certified e-commerce trainer. Where can I find this in Malaysia. Can anyone answer me this question? thanks.

MBA (graduate in 2013) - is my another stepping stone for me to become more knowledgeable and valuable in finding a new job.

Photographer/Tour Guide (lifelong)- act as my part time job and extra pocket money.

Music/Video Composer (3 years) - My artworks to be launched for free. My desire to have my own first album and continuous albums in future for memorizing them of my hardship and tears in making all this masterpiece.

I wish to stay away from 9 - 5 full time job and concentrate in my business. However, I do not think I am ready for this. Therefore, giving me another 5 years time, I'm telling myself to be well prepared and ready for another venture/challenge.

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