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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Design Route of Love 2015 Poster

Glad to have a second chance to design a poster for my event. Here it is. Quite satisfied of my work.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Coaching is an Arts

1. What is your strength & weaknesses?
2 What is your opinion?
3. Am I learning?

- Open & finding out
- Why they don't improve? Because they do not know.

Certainty (You as a coach)
- I can help you <- confident="" p="">3 S's - Self, Skills, Seekers

  • You are a Guide
  • Just need to be one step ahead - suggest, what i learn to do
  • Show up to serve - Nobody have a fear in helping people
  • Best Coaching trait: curiosity to ask
  • Never compare yourself to other experts
  • Clear your mirror & keep growing

  • Listen to understand, not fix
  • Must have a framework -> for you & the client
  • Get certified in belief change
  • practice, practice, practice


  • People buy when they know you understand them
  • Your language will be more magnetic & marketable
  • Sell what they want to learn not what you want to teach
  • Most valuable asset: Your seeker's perspective