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Tuesday, September 29, 2015














1.) 掌握语言能力 
2.) 在现在的工作中有所突破。建立几样挑战的目标。2015/6-2016/7-Target Setting
3.) 人际关系
4.) 多到处看看世界变化
5.) 学习摄影,分享和找机会接单



Monday, September 28, 2015

白羊座vs射手座 - 减压





Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Legislation falls

Legislation falls if a person who has committed a corruption being punished just for serving community service for 2 years. I think this is not the way to reduce their punishment and the reason given by the defense counsel was that he was a 50-year-old father, and was married and has six children and he was an examplary father?? How the judge knows if he had bitten his children, how do we know that he had made other crime?What a crap excuses!

If anyone are being charged of corruption but not being given a serious punishment, there would be no fear to others who has illegally tranferred US$700 million into personal account. If that's a truth and he was charged, can he be released because he is a prime minister or he has served the country for so many years?

I think all these people must be sent to sentence because they are totally "time bomb" for the country.

Being a minister in the country, they should know what is law about. If not, how can the government agree and approve in the parliament  of any acts against citizen? Are they blindly agreed? I don't think so.

If his punishment was lenient, he should be ask for washing public toilet, sweeping road, collecting rubbish everyday, promoting "stop corruption". I think he should know how to do it as all these served the motive of being a minister.

A simple corruption case can be dragged for 10 years time before it comes to the end. Why would this be taking such a long time?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Design my own Board Games

It is quite interesting to design our own board games.

I have set this as one of my life list. I think it is very mind-blowing and I believe I can try to make it happens.

I have found an interview article that helps me to understand better on how to design own board games from scrath.

You can refer to think link

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Design Poster 2012, 2013, 2015 (UTAR)

Again, this is my design created for Majlis sukan IPTS Malaysia (Masiswa) organized in UTAR. Thanks to Mr Theva Das who is believed in my drawing and who had given me the chance to come out with all these.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Route of Love 2015

I am so glad to be part of this event as officer-in-charge. Thanks to my great committee who had helped to make this event a success.

Abstract from 

Over 100 UTAR staff and students took part in the Route of Love (RoL) Cycling Event 2015 held at Sports Complex, UTAR Kampar Campus on 15 August 2015.
The cycling event was organised by the RoL 2015 Organising Committee comprised of UTAR students and supervised by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA). RoL 2015 was chiefly sponsored by OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad, who also donated a total of 52 bicycles and helmets to needy students.
Present at the event were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Assoc Prof Dr Teh Chee Seng, OCBC Bank (Ipoh Branch) Regional Manager Chris Lu Koon Wing, OCBC Bank (Ipoh Branch) Premier Centre Manager Yvonne Tan Yee Wen, DSA Head Chiang Jeng Fong, Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Development of Centre for Foundation Studies (Kampar Campus) Lim Jit Theam and RoL 2015 Organising Chairperson Low Kelvin.
Thanking his fellow committee members for their diligent effort, Low said, “RoL 2015 aims to help financially challenged students. This is made possible with the generous sponsorship by OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad, allowing fellow UTARians to use the bicycles to commute on a daily basis.” The Foundation in Arts student also added that RoL 2015 raises awareness of being environmental friendly and promotes living a fit and healthy lifestyle amongst UTAR staff and students.     

Low thanking his committee members
Echoing Low’s sentiments, Lu said, “We hope these bicycles will indeed come in handy for each of these 52 students and we also thank UTAR for inviting us to be a part of this noble effort.” Lu also introduced OCBC Bank’s active involvement in the advancement of cycling in Malaysia for the past five years such as collaborating with the Kuala Lumpur City Hall and also sponsoring the popular KL Car Free Morning.

Lu delivering his speech
This was followed by a flagging off ceremony which saw the participants traversing the 25 km-route covering UTAR Kampar Campus, Bandar Baru Kampar, the rustic Kampar old town and Kuala Dipang.

Flagging off ceremony

Dr Teh as one of the participants

                                                                                                                   Photo: Courtesy of Ou Lik Ee
Participants cycling along the 25-km route
“I’m really thankful to be one of the beneficiaries of this sponsorship. Owning a bicycle now will allow me to get to nearby places with ease,” remarked Foundation in Arts student Khoo Hau Ping, who also added that this also motivates him to be fit and healthy through regular cycling.
“With this new bicycle, I can finally cycle to the campus for my classes and rely less on my friends to fetch me around,” said final year Accounting student Low Yin San, who also expressed her gratitude for the windfall.
Curtains were drawn on RoL following the lucky draw and group photograph sessions.

Dr Teh presenting tokens of appreciation to Lu

Group photo of the VIPs and the 52 beneficiaries