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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Legislation falls

Legislation falls if a person who has committed a corruption being punished just for serving community service for 2 years. I think this is not the way to reduce their punishment and the reason given by the defense counsel was that he was a 50-year-old father, and was married and has six children and he was an examplary father?? How the judge knows if he had bitten his children, how do we know that he had made other crime?What a crap excuses!

If anyone are being charged of corruption but not being given a serious punishment, there would be no fear to others who has illegally tranferred US$700 million into personal account. If that's a truth and he was charged, can he be released because he is a prime minister or he has served the country for so many years?

I think all these people must be sent to sentence because they are totally "time bomb" for the country.

Being a minister in the country, they should know what is law about. If not, how can the government agree and approve in the parliament  of any acts against citizen? Are they blindly agreed? I don't think so.

If his punishment was lenient, he should be ask for washing public toilet, sweeping road, collecting rubbish everyday, promoting "stop corruption". I think he should know how to do it as all these served the motive of being a minister.

A simple corruption case can be dragged for 10 years time before it comes to the end. Why would this be taking such a long time?

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