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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Success, Mediocrity of Failure

Results = Fruits
Cause = Roots (If you want to change the fruits)

We do not live in only one realm alone

We live in at least 4 things - Mental, Emotional, Spiritual & Physical (Fruits - Visible)

e.g. Health/Weight/wealth is a result. You live in the cause and effect

Permanently change your outer world is to change your inner world

Declaration: When we put out positive statement, we attract positive results

I'd rather be really hokey and really rich than really cool and really broke

D1: My inner world creates my outer world

Thoughts - > Feeling -> Action -> Result

If your subconscious money blueprint isn't preset for a high level of success, you will NEVER amase a large amount of money and if you do, you will somehow manage to lose it. e.g. Donald Trunk

Health, Happiness Blue Print, etc

Hear - Verbal Programming, See - , Experience

We heard about stereotype messages
e.g. Your job in your life is to be a provider. and if you're not financially successful, you're not a real man
Whether you became financially successful or not, how has it felt to have that pressure on you?

What have you missed out of in your life? Your family, your fun, your inner peace, because of the stress of what you were conditioned to believe about putting bread on the table? And yet this is simply a blueprint you've been running. with the lessons you are learning in this program, it can change.

Trusting your financial life to someone else is not a strategy for wealth

All CHANGE begins with AWARENESS. You cannot change something unless you know it exists

Rich people are greedy => Rich people are generous

It takes money to make money => It takes creativity to make money

I'm too old to make a change => I'm never too old to learn


Read the positive statement out loud 3 times each every single day until you become rich, words have power, every

These declarations will eventually become saturated into the neurological pathway of your mind, and all of a sudden, you will find yourself making new decisions, and with new choices come new results

What is your current money blueprint set for?

Look at your result, look at the fruits that will tell you what the roots are set for

Permanently change the room of temperature is to change the thermostat

The only way permanently change your financial life is to change your financial thermostat - Money Blueprint

Thinking as wellness secret

e.g. I create my life vs life happens to me

Believe yourself

Don't play a role of victim (Blame, Justify, Complain - the worst)

What you focus on expands. Right vs Wrong with your life

You turn into this big giant garbage magnet

Because you complaint and your life become crummy

No complaining in 7 FULL days!!!!!!!

It's my choice, you can be a victim or be rich BUT IT CANNOT BE BOTH

Start taking responsibility for everything that is happening in your life,especially when its come to your money

D2: I am creating the exact level of financial success


RM4000 VS RM10,000

Rich play the game to win, Poor play not to loose

I just want to have a decent living

- Due to the power of intention, that's exactly what you're going to get and not a dime more.

"Scrimp and Save" Blue Print

It's all your intention, how you think

Poor intention is just to be comfortable

COMFORTABLE =/ RICH (DOES NOT lead to rich, is a kiss of death to success)


If you shoot for the star, you at least shoot the moon,

Not your goals is too high and you never hit them, Your goals is too low and you hit them

e.g SET RM40,000 & NW (RM100,000)


Blue print changing well step!!

"Set a goal by 10 times the income and wealth you have now
, you are actually committing to helming ten times the number of people that you are helping now

It gives you meaning to your life

I recommit to wealth and helping thousand of people along the way

DO NOT lost our drives

Belive in getting really rich. WHY GET RICH?

Lifestyle, Longevity, Contribution, Who you become (In character, In mindset, health)

Who you become in the process of what you achieve is actually more important than just which you achieve

Set your intention to donate at least RM in need.

Give you the perfect reason to get rich!

D3: I have a higher purpose for creating wealth!!!!


RICH - Admire and Model

Is your story, your book and the best part of the game is start again every day. You hold the pen and you write what you want that is going to be made. You have the choice to begins everyday! You have the power, to choose commit financial success. You have the right to choose, nobody can stop you. You create your life.

Poor - Recent

Commit your crafting your life the way you want, Family, Health, Success, ALLLLL

You want put all in your life, PRACTICE " HOW can you have or do BOTH???"

e.g. you want to go for dinner or movie?? Both!!

I can be kind, loving and balance and REALLY REALLY RICH!

Rich and Successful are Bigger than the problem!

Growth yourself so that you are bigger than the problem!!

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