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Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Statesman, Politician, Politikus

Signing MOU - 签署联合协约





Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Salary 部长减基薪20-相等多少钱


Tak ada Telur - illustration

30 mil / 968 mil = Supply only 3% per month?!

Egg being produced in Malaysia is about 30mil (3000万/30,000,000)per day.

Egg produce per month is 968 mil = 968,000,000 biji sebulan (九亿6千8百万)

30,000,000 x 30 = 900,000,000 (九亿)


Reference:  独家|“非开会2小时宣布降价就解决” 蛋农:鸡蛋不能再列统制品

Reference: Mat Sabu did not mention about egg price (China version)

Reference 2:

黄晓虹点评:Sin Chew daily


confiscation : taken away 没收 

upload the alleged defamatory material : 上传涉嫌诽谤的材料 

was seized from : no longer be returning back 

Intimidation: 恐吓

As part of police procedures, a mobile phone and a sim card, believed to be the one used to upload the alleged defamatory material on social media, was seized from him for the digital forensics analysis process. It is not an act of intimidation, he said in the statement, last night.

Bernas and The challenges


Anwar first moved is to help poor paddy farmer. Syed Mortar has agreed to allocate 10 million for poor paddy farmer this month and Bernas would give RM50 million next year.

#bernas #paddy-farmer

Ini syarikat-syarikat yang paling kaya dalam negara kita. Tapi saya mengambil keputusan dasar, mengapa kita tidak boleh dikurangkan? ... Saya tidak mengambil kelulusan tanpa berunding. 

... sawah padi termasuk di kedah, diantara rakyat, orang melayu paling miskin di negara ini.

Credit: Berita RTM


Jeritlah Melayu dan islam, tetapi nasib orang melayu terutama orang miskin tidak terbela.


At a press conference this afternoon, he had spoken to syed mokhtar,"and he had been reprimanded (被训诉) because he monopolises rice imports". 

Reference: Anwar puts spotlight on Syed Mokhtar’s rice monopoly 

Rafizi challenges PN to break his record of being sued, locked up for exposing graft 

in a video on TikTok has challenged PN as the opposition to beat his personal record of being locked up and sued for speaking up against corruption and abuse of power

Rafizi encouraged PN to be a strong opposition and expose any corruption and abuse of power by Anwar administration.

If possible, to the point of breaking my record of being put into lockup multiple times and sued 16 times.

Better if you can beat that.

Firstly, isn't the act of turning down the King's proposal for a unity government going against what PN has been campaigning in wanting to safeguard the Malays and their institutions?

Secondly, why would they want to form a government by "stealing" members of Parliament from other parties. when the people have so clearly rejected "political traitor" and have rejected almost all the MPs who were involved in the Sheraton Move. 

Thirdly, what was the use of passing the anti-hopping law if it were to be discarded to pursue personal desires to become the government of the day?

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Sami Zayn gets emotionally Ucey with Jey Uso and The Bloodline

I know the last six months have not always been easy

I know most of that time you didn't trust me.

I know a lot of that time you didn't like me

But at Survivor Series

The way that you accepted me into this family

The way that you embraced me at the end of that match, that was Uce

I want you to know from here on now and going forward, any business that we have to handle, we are on the same page.

credits to WWE

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Good News Nov 2022

 I am feel blissful as I received some good news from my colleagues

1. Chloe is pregnant with 5 months. Sheau Huey changed her job back to UTAR as a part-time FAS lecturer.

2. Alice is finally married! I treated them a dinner to show my sincerity and love. At last, my beloved colleague/old friend is no longer single and available. Congratulations and happy marriage!

Her husband (Ah Wai) treated me back with a dinner at Tualang. 

Sep - Nov 2022 (A Tiring months)

It was a tiring month. However, all programmes were organised successfully 

 1. Perantisiswa Keluarga Malaysia 30/9/22 -
2. Ops Pulang ke Kampung for GE15 17-21 November 2022 

3. Caring and Sharing Concert with Aniu in aid of UTAR Hospital - 29 October 2022 (Distribution of Meal for Performance/Staff)

4. International Youth Development Conference (Online) - 26/11/22

Thursday, October 06, 2022


新加波开始不限制人民带口罩。 同事一旦出去新加坡,回来就确诊。 没有理由说担心而不出去。 现在旅游都得冒着危险,而且这种疫情是能够传染的。同事中奖后,随着身边的亲人也遭殃。老婆、外公也不例外。 20位同事当中,其中的5位已受感染。大约是25%. 我觉得这疫情将会与人同在。目前情况来看,应该暂时到了“顶峰”,没有听见新发现的变种冠状病毒。 网络生意开始逐渐下滑,原因是人人都开始出去消费。虽然是这样,但也不完全说我们就不去做网路生意。将来它将会是成为生活中的另一种选择。

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


这是一个效率的时代,知识是提高效率的唯一途径 学习了要懂得应用,从应用中你的知识会转变为技能,技能会为你带来利率。 Facebook 账号 1. personal verification - 验证个人信息的时候,add account, upload passport, id, driving license 2. business verification - 广告费 $2K to $4, 验证公司讯息,尽早 FB Ad Account, 上传公司讯息, 3. Policy verification i) Illegal 违禁品 ii) Skin iii) Content 文案 词汇不能使用的 FB Manager Help, Online Chat Bot 沟通 (Option)。不停刷新,的点,就可能出来 Facebook 页面:使用素材的问题 domain 域名 没有验证;Redirect privacy policy, return policy, 需要完善 Facebook抛广告时候 它会去扫描你的网站 IOS4, Tracking problem. 但它不是不能够控制,解决的灾难 Tricks 可以调整 五点 1. Setup Conversion API - 会在网站上帮Pixel 去追踪到那一些客户最重要的讯息,再把讯息送回FB Ad Account, 帮助 FB Ad 的数据 Report 更加精准。 除了 FB Pixel 设置以外 FB Ad Account > Event Management > Zapier > Shopify 2. Verify domain 验证网站 FB Ad Account > Brand Safety 3. Setup Configure Web event Event Management > 选出几个优先追踪的客户行为 e.g. Purchase, Add to Cart 4. Set URL Parameter 把这个Code 放到每一个广告上去 Hirux expensive, 更新你的广告,如果有很好的Engagement Like, Share, 可能被刷新, 客户的旅程,客户下单,看了广告,trigger, 给你 Hirux 的讯息, 破坏客户旅程, 导致最后广告转化率下降 一件代发,可以使用 Hirux 5. Customise UTM Parameter 代码, 链接到 Google Analytic, Ad Sets 有没有带给你转化 Google Analytic GA4 可以去客户旅程的漏斗 你要知道客户是从哪一个旅程过来,哪一个步骤,什么情况转化,全局概念,局限广告一段式的表现。 当比较贵的产品,客户旅程比较长。 我们不能Optimise 基于一个广告Conversion 转化率,而去给你这个广告继续调整。这样有可能关掉很多辅助性的广告 WooCommerce + Strive VPN - 韩国旅游开FB被封 IP problem Google gmail account, add team member share google gmail account, oversea, update payment info Facebook Ad Account always create new account, appeal account, once 1 account incurr problem, submit request Tik Tok Oversea not Local(China) 2016-2017 亲民, 流量红利 发视频,带货投广告,难得记录简单 能够搞Viral,免费流量的机会 Tik Tok Software, Advertisement Content, must use Tik Tok, Trending Music given by Tik Tok Even Product price is high on Tik Tok, but it is still young, it will develop it enable to sell thousand or more of products. We cannot wait till tat moment only enter the market 消费习惯从低端消费还可以 平台信任度,宽了就可以卖出去了 ClickFunnel can link to stripe, pay pal 产品定价 去做市场调研 配套、包装、branding 好不好做 中国》美国 一件代发,Dropshipping 2.5x - 4x Add up cost small Product cost 10 sell 15, profit small 仓库和发货 (Fedx, UPS) 新的独立站,是先做SEO还是先去投放广告 SEO &广告投放 - 资金足,maximise 个人创业 - 从一个先做起 SEO 请外国人写, 技术活,是要靠量,时间。不是每天都上去,频繁的发,Backlink,不可控的 买文章,模板,开头100到150个字,h2 to h3 怎么做,多少个字 AI 写文案 掌握技术点 通过Instagram 找网红, Social blade 网红 IG Tag Search, Message Them.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


收到傻眼,但我也感激他们胜任 能跟你一组是开心的 但是,把一个一项做网页的去做logistic 的领头羊,而且这也影响我的KRA,我觉得对你很不公平。 毕竟你的经验和对这些的认知是很了解,你也预期到哪些问题,也知道 发表。 好在当时你的发表,看见问题所在。 我暂无能力带队,我需要向你学习,你有经验。 如果是我选的话,我会让你带大家,我会在后面帮助,而且肯定的是效率会比我快很多。 当大家都了如指掌了,将来就有信心去领头。 我觉得这才有效。

Sunday, May 15, 2022


出乎预料,去年参加了一个unifi的比赛,是要写短篇的作文,来说unifi的好。我那时候的心情不觉得会中,只是玩玩而已。谁知道,收到电话,说我拿到第三奖。我觉得不可思议,有点不相信眼前的一切发生在我身上。之前还跟同事聊到说,我很想买Nitendo Switch,因为看到Zelda的Gameplay很好玩。但要花费Rm2+++。我暂时放下。如今,我梦想实现,拿到Playstation。开心死了。我现在相信,有时候,机会就是要尝试把握,别觉得不可能。一切都有可能发生。

The setup page that will only appear once in a lifetime.

Save time, energy and most importantly , stay safe during MCO. Our family still can stay connected and engage with our relatives and friends at anytime and get to watch any local and global news via unifi in a high speed connection.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Production Team - 的心酸



We don't stress on one leader,  every single event you will see a team of leaders together, because we want to show that we are in this collective, not driven by personality interest.

The developed malaysia which I want to build is even if you change 10 governments in a year, Malaysian continues to move forward because the system is strong enough. 

Sunday, January 02, 2022

2022 新年快乐

新的一年,祝大家新年快乐。 拼搏了十五年之久,终于来到开花结果的一天。 我升职了!我成为了小经理。算是新年的一份“尊贵的礼物”。我要保持谦虚和仁义。我会重视这份职业,在这两年当中做一个称职的经理。希望我的团队也能够和我一起努力进步, 成为被人信任和尊重的小队长。 感谢的人太多。当中包括了我的老板 Mr Chiang,我的Referree Ms Hee & Mr Kenny, 我的团队Serena, Ou, Phoon。我的同事,Alice, Apple, Chloe, Jet, May, Xiao Zhang, Wai Kit 一直默默的为我加油打气,给予我满满的正能量。

(Old Position > New Position)





