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Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Bernas and The challenges


Anwar first moved is to help poor paddy farmer. Syed Mortar has agreed to allocate 10 million for poor paddy farmer this month and Bernas would give RM50 million next year.

#bernas #paddy-farmer

Ini syarikat-syarikat yang paling kaya dalam negara kita. Tapi saya mengambil keputusan dasar, mengapa kita tidak boleh dikurangkan? ... Saya tidak mengambil kelulusan tanpa berunding. 

... sawah padi termasuk di kedah, diantara rakyat, orang melayu paling miskin di negara ini.

Credit: Berita RTM


Jeritlah Melayu dan islam, tetapi nasib orang melayu terutama orang miskin tidak terbela.


At a press conference this afternoon, he had spoken to syed mokhtar,"and he had been reprimanded (被训诉) because he monopolises rice imports". 

Reference: Anwar puts spotlight on Syed Mokhtar’s rice monopoly 

Rafizi challenges PN to break his record of being sued, locked up for exposing graft 

in a video on TikTok has challenged PN as the opposition to beat his personal record of being locked up and sued for speaking up against corruption and abuse of power

Rafizi encouraged PN to be a strong opposition and expose any corruption and abuse of power by Anwar administration.

If possible, to the point of breaking my record of being put into lockup multiple times and sued 16 times.

Better if you can beat that.

Firstly, isn't the act of turning down the King's proposal for a unity government going against what PN has been campaigning in wanting to safeguard the Malays and their institutions?

Secondly, why would they want to form a government by "stealing" members of Parliament from other parties. when the people have so clearly rejected "political traitor" and have rejected almost all the MPs who were involved in the Sheraton Move. 

Thirdly, what was the use of passing the anti-hopping law if it were to be discarded to pursue personal desires to become the government of the day?

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