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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

First Day Teaching

Wow wow.. time reached at 3pm sharp. It was my turn to introducing my music composing class to my members after finished the choir class. Nothing much worried about my performance at first, but got stuck on the last task when forming groups.

First day teaching was quite fun and a bit tension, the class was crowded with more than 20 members who came from different courses and semester. Most of them were very desired to know what the class could offer them. After giving them some explaination of what is the purpose of having this class, they started to build up some confident and believed in what will be taught in this class. Due to time concern, I did not have much time to explain well about my whole program. I believed that many members ignored what I had told them and yet still did not clearly understand how is the program running. I will repeat and elaborate more about program after Hari Raya holidays.

Before next class starts, there are still a lot of things to be managed. I need to take care of the quality of the lesson and also what are the useful materials that they require for their learning. The next problem that I need to take care is the time, trainers, and also forming groups. Sometimes it might not fit to everyone's time schedule as I know that this semester would be a very 'buzy' semester. Certain students may not able to come for the class. This will affect the whole process of learning. Looking for trainers is also another important consideration.

Since this composing club is a new club for everyone including me, and I believe that only Utar has this so called 'special' class that only offering composing music lesson. Three of these problems must be settle ASAP.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Utar Idol

Utar Idol is one of big event that will be hold in my campus by next year. Everyone in a team seems very excited about how are they going to succeed the event. The event needs a lot of people to handle the event. Many empty post are available. I didn't look through every single post in detail. I just pick one of the position which I think I can handle which is Deco & Design Manager. No doubt I believe that my creativity spirit still be with me. I know that this will be my challenge and yet it will help me to boost up my art talent. I really want the task and guess what, my assistant also name khor. I hope that we both can do a great work.

From what I know about Deco and Design is that I need to plan the theme of the event with collaboration from Program Manager. I have the responsibility to decorate and design the stage and venue according to the theme and lastly I am required to lead the on stage and back stage team to decorate and design the venue. Basically I have to coordinate with two managers who are Program manager and also the back stage manager.

No matter how, do hope that I can perform my task well and everything goes fine.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Music Club Theme Song

After having a brief music club meeting on tuesday, I really want to thank Wen Qiang bcoz he has given me a chance to take part in music club theme song. Once again, I have a chance to compose a theme song as what I did for my KRS during seconday school. It would be a headache for me at first, but, once I gets thing done, it will eventually become my wonderful work.

I am also taking part in Design & Deco for our Utar Idol. Although I know it is a heavy task, it is a good experience and learning. There is nothing to lose and in fact it was me to volunteer and get into this assignment. So, be cheerful and enjoy work.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Composing Music Department

At last, I finally found a 'place' where I can distribute my work in music. Thanks to Wei Lun who gives me a chance to take in charge in this department. I am so excited and thinking of what I can do for my handled music members. Besides that, I also feel little anxious about my incapabilities. Many things need to be planned and testified before starting the activities. Although I have some worried about this, I believe thru my hard work and interest, nothing can stop me. The club will be started in week 3. Hopefully everything gets done in schedule. Below are the activities designed by me throughout the short semester.

Week 3 (26/10/05)

Overview of composing and defining the objectives of the department

Forming and assigning a small group of minimum 4-5 people and each of them are responsible to take part in different roles. For example, the group will consist of song writer, singer, composer, and musical players.

Evaluating the members of the group and identify what are the strengths and weaknesses of each members in term of music capabilities.

Assign certain people from music club members to manage the department process if necessary.

Week 4 (02/11/05)

Holiday – No activities

Week 5 (09/11/05)

Introducing the fundamental requirements and basic needs required for making a song with an emphasis to DIY (Do-It-Yourself).

Presenting the different genre of music that exists in the world.

Week 6 (16/11/05)

Introducing the basic chord techniques and analyzing how they are being played in different ways (Part 1).

Showing music clips thru projector. Clips includes interview of artists and latest news.

Introducing and recommending certain softwares that are recently used in a market for composing music.

Week 7 (23/11/05)

Requiring each member to bring some lyrics for evaluation and understanding what are the expectations of consumers in the current trend.

Each group is required to complete their own lyric and submit their own song that has a complete lyric after next semester for evaluation.

Most recommended composer this month

This is the young and talent lady who had been found from the website known as

I like the lady very much because she has contributed a lot of creative songs and music to every fans and readers that love her. From her work, I can see her passion in music. Therefore, I like to give her a credit and invite everyone to read her website and blog at & Hope to find more great people like her and post it on the blog here.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Music Composition

After having my exam and holidays, I'm now back to live. Recently I received a new from music club president. He asked me for help in organizing small group of students in music composition. This is a great opportunity for me to approach with music and those great people and learn more stuff. I hope that before graduate, I am able to contribute something to music club members.