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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Composing Music Department

At last, I finally found a 'place' where I can distribute my work in music. Thanks to Wei Lun who gives me a chance to take in charge in this department. I am so excited and thinking of what I can do for my handled music members. Besides that, I also feel little anxious about my incapabilities. Many things need to be planned and testified before starting the activities. Although I have some worried about this, I believe thru my hard work and interest, nothing can stop me. The club will be started in week 3. Hopefully everything gets done in schedule. Below are the activities designed by me throughout the short semester.

Week 3 (26/10/05)

Overview of composing and defining the objectives of the department

Forming and assigning a small group of minimum 4-5 people and each of them are responsible to take part in different roles. For example, the group will consist of song writer, singer, composer, and musical players.

Evaluating the members of the group and identify what are the strengths and weaknesses of each members in term of music capabilities.

Assign certain people from music club members to manage the department process if necessary.

Week 4 (02/11/05)

Holiday – No activities

Week 5 (09/11/05)

Introducing the fundamental requirements and basic needs required for making a song with an emphasis to DIY (Do-It-Yourself).

Presenting the different genre of music that exists in the world.

Week 6 (16/11/05)

Introducing the basic chord techniques and analyzing how they are being played in different ways (Part 1).

Showing music clips thru projector. Clips includes interview of artists and latest news.

Introducing and recommending certain softwares that are recently used in a market for composing music.

Week 7 (23/11/05)

Requiring each member to bring some lyrics for evaluation and understanding what are the expectations of consumers in the current trend.

Each group is required to complete their own lyric and submit their own song that has a complete lyric after next semester for evaluation.

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