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Thursday, September 29, 2016


leverage use to maximum advantage

volunterrism enables HR to acheive all their goals

Volunteers drives up productivity in organisations

Study after study show that volunteers actually live longer and have lower rates of disease than their peers who don't volunteer, no matter what age.

Research from both the Mayo Clinic and the University of California conclude that there are significant health benefits to volunteering, including lower mortality rates.

Another study concluded that retirees over 65 who volunteered had less than half the risk of dying compared to their non-volunteering peers.

people with chronic pain who volunteered as peer counsellors found that theirheart diseases, disability, chronic pain and feeling of depression all lessoned from volunteering

Duke University study found that individuals who volunteered after experiencing heart attacks reported reductions in despair and depression two factors that have been linked to mortality in post-coronary artery disease patients

When we volunteer, our bodies produce oxytocin, which counter stress hormones associated with depression, such as cortisol and epinephrine

Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and enables you to develop a firm support system, protecting you against stress and depression in challenging times.

People who are socially engaged will have a better quality of life and better survival, reinforces Dr Gary Kennedy

Employees who volunteer have higher self-confidence levels than those who don't

Volunteering provides a healthy boost to your self-esteem and life contentment

Doing good for others and the community provides a natural sense of accomplishment and purpose. It also gives you a sense of pride and identity

And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life and perform much better at work and at complicated tasks

Voluterrism brings to org. is that it is a proven way to develop leaders

Leaders are developed by experiences.

Voluteering can also help you build upon skills you already have and use them to further your career.

Volunteering provides your young people opportunity to practice leadership

For you to live longer and benefit from the great side effects of volunteerism, research shows that you would only need to invest about 100 volunteer hours a year.

That breaks down to two to three hours a week Just two to three hours a week and you experience higher productivity, live longer and have better self-esteem.

Volunteering allows you to connect your community and make it a better place.

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