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Thursday, June 29, 2017

致富法则 - 想法》感觉》行动=结果



那就是实现程式 - Process of Manifestation 想法》感觉》行动=结果

People who achieve financial freedom have learned how to substitute their investment of work energy with other forms of energy.

These forms include other people's work, business systems at work, or investment capital at work. First you work hard for money, then you let money work hard for you.

You become financial free when your passive income exceeds your expenses. The idea is that the business is working and producing value for people instead of you.

Two primary sources of passive income are:-

1.) Investment earnings from financial instruments "money working for you" - Stocks, bonds, T-bills, money market, mutual funds, owning mortgages or other assets that appreciate in value and can be liquidated for cash.

2.) "Business working for you" = This entails generating ongoing income from business where you do not need to be personally involved for that business to operate and yield an income.

e.g. Real estate, royalties from books, music or software; licensing your ideas, becoming a franchisor, owning storage units, owning vending or other types of coin-operated machines, and networking marketing, to name just a few.

25 Passive Income Ideas You Can Start Today

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