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Friday, August 03, 2018

Digital Marketing

6 Fundamentals of digital marketing
i.) A user-centered website
ii.) SEO
iii.) SEM
iv.) Social
v.) UX Design
vi.) Email Marketing

What do you have now? Questions to ask yourself about your website in order to make sure that it is user-centered and effective.

1.) Does your website service the purpose you originally planned for it?

To show my portfolio

- Short Film
- Photograph
- Video Wedding Short Film

2.) Does it convey what the purpose of my business is?

Not really.

I wanted to convey message that I have my own portfolio and I am a photographer/videographer and also providing post editing service, commercial product ads, interview, tutorials & tips.

3.) Whom do I want to visit my online business?

Couple who is looking for photographer/videographer, Commercial company like hotel, who want to advertise their product ads, interview, learner, find team.

4.) Am I providing content that those types of visitors want?

Not really

5.) What is my website really being used for? Just Photos taken by me being uploaded but not updates.

Your Website is where your potential customers can be converted into the real deal and where current customer can find what they are looking for.

Your work on social media outreach, search engine results and online ads is to get customer and potential customers to your website; should be geared toward directing qualified traffic to your site so that you can sell your products or services.

In order to let customer find your website - hold some budget back for marketing your site; To accomplish this, your website needs to be built on a strong foundation - on a strong Content Management System (CMS); they do most of the background coding and programming for you - the best is Wordpress and Wix - the benefit is time management.

Web designer can build your website with a CMS that you can learn how to update yourself.

Question: Is it necessary to have website since Facebook page is there? Looking into Malaysia perspective. Focus and content is based on only Chinese? Taiwan, China, Malaysia, etc..
Question: You can find out the interesting Gifts for your customers. e.g. 101Gifts

Step 1: Have Good Hosting

Strong hosting for your website is in direct correlation to the environment, location, and resources (e.g. file storage, email hosting, server space, databses and more) of a venue.

Basic Metrics to llok for in a hosting company
1. 99% uptime
2. unlimited bandwidth
3. unlimited webspace or disc space
4. quality customer service
5. high ratings
6. how many domains can you have?
7. Do they support ecommerce functionality?
8. How much does it cost?

Questions: Should you start to create ecommerece first or start from marketing in Facebook page first?

Step 2: Choose an Effective URL.

URL should represent either your company name or what your visitors will find on your website; pursue a variety of branding opportunities to connect your web address to your business in people's minds.

To be effective, it needs to be both clear and memorable, to pursue your URL as a keyword for search results; strong and targeted branding.

Questions: Find out the name from event held by Clubs/Society before. Creative name

Step 3: Build a strong, Effective Website

Build a strong CMS that helps you include Pre-Designed Themes, CMS Plugin (Landing pages, slideshow, and more); E-commerce and Back Office Options

Step 4: Create a useful content

Content comes in a wide variety of forms from onpage text to infographics and videos.

Content should be used to strategically funnel your website visitors toward the actions you want them to take.

Content funnel - creating a variety of content that fits into different sections.

Inform -> Instruct -> Solve -> Sell

Users are generally looking for a solution to a problem and you can provide that answer.

Upper level content to help create more qualified traffic to your lowever level content.

Questions: How to create, measure and optimise/ to boost conversions

Search engine optimisation (SEO)

rank your website, recognise it as being relevant, useful, and important in regards to the queston asked by a searcher.

SEO can be relatively slow process at the outset and requires consistent effort to maintain.

Search engines are constantly evolving and your SEO strategy has to be able to evolve with them.

The best SEO strategies target many different keywords and focus on garnering better traffic, not just more traffic for your site.

Questions: Does Search Engines understand chinese more than english or both?

Don't get stuck on specific keywords, ranking, and overall traffic numbers that you lose sight of the overall results that can come from your SEO Strategy.

Think about event analogy, SEO is all of the planning that goes in ahead of time to make sure that the event runs smoothly and that people are aware that the event is happening so that they can attend.e.g. if you are hosting a public event, you would want to have to event fully planned and scheduled ahead of time so that they are fewer oppotunities for problems to arise. You'd also need to follow applicable deadlines and guidelines in order to make sure that the local newspapers, magazines, and event listings are able to publish information about your event in their events calendars so that people who might be interested in your event can hear about it.

Start with a strategy.
Your SEO stragety should begin with these questions:

Who is your ideal customer?
Where are they located?
Where do they spend their time online?
What words and terms might they use to search for companies like yours?
What is their likely intent behind each search query?

Optimise your website
The most foundational ways in which you should optimise your website to yield long-term SEO results. Doing so is like following the rules and guidelines established for having your event listed in event calendars and listings.
You cannot expect SEO to launch you to the top of the search results overnight

1 hour 23 mins

1. Utilise Relevant Titles and Meta Descriptions
2. Submit an Up-To-Date Sitemap; XML sitemap
3. Have Relevant Content on Your pages
4. Target keywords that are relevant to your business
5. Work to gain links from High Ranking Websites - link to any website that are relevant. getting links from high ranking and trusted websites is like bringing a popular friend or friends with you to a party.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEO is used to attract users to your site who will find your offerings valuable to them.

SEM is that ads that are placed at the top and to the right of search engines results in search engines like Google and Bing. It is also refer to paid advertising on social platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, etc. This type of online marketing is refer to as Pay-Per-Click (PPC), you generally pay a certain amount each time somebody clicks on your ad.

Key elements:

Different between SEO and SEM provide very different value propositions.
SEO - Highly effective in the long term (6 to 12 months); continue to optimise and refresh your online presence in order to maintain rankings; SEO requires contant attention to details, and still requires work to maintain once the desired results have been achieved.
SEM - Placement of your listing almost immediately but that placement requires upkeep and a constant infusion of money; the results are fast and dramatic, but require money and constant upkeep in order to be maintained.

Key Components of SEM

1.) Cohesive Campaigns
- They tie everything - your keywords, your ad groups, etc. - together so that you aren't putting out conflicting message with your ads; Adwords, ad groups and campaign as a whole need to match the same theme.

2.) Relevant Ad Placement - contextual advertising goods or services that are related to what somebody is doing, seeing or reading; highly effective. e.g. Previews before a movie; Context and relevance are the key to success in online advertising.

3.) Understand Ad rank and Ad Position - Goodle ADwords or Bing Ads; Your ads position refers to where your ad falls among the ads placed around specifc search results.

4.) Google Ad Rank

Your ad position is determined using their Ad Rank algorithm. 3 core elements of your Ad Ranks are

1. Your maximum bid
2. Your Quality Score - including histori and expected click through rates CTR; the relevance of your ad to the searcher's query, and the quality and relevance of your landing page.
3. The expected impact of Ad Formats - phone numbers, sitelinks, the presence of your websites domain in the ad headline

Back to the ecosystem that everyone lives in. If users see better ads, they are happier and they are more likely to actually click on those ads and that makes advertisers happier, which makes google happy because all happy.

5.) Social Media Marketing

1 hour 10 minutes 12:55 PM 26-Jul-18

Best SMM Practices

1.) Create a Great Resource
- Complete your profile, useful, relevant information, post regularly and use up-to-date photos and content

2.) Prepare your site for social sharing
- Make it as easy as you can for others to share the content on your website
- Embed social sharing buttons on every page of your site and blog
- Suggest to those accessing your content that they may want to share it with others.

3.) Engage your audience
- Post exclusive content and run exclusive promotions on different social sites
- 80% (Lifestyle/industry content) : 20% company content in your posting. Vlog 80%; Company content 20%
- Don't spam your customers - spread out your posts to increase their visibility

4.) Listen Carefully
- Respond quickly to questions, comments, and concerns - within a few minutes, not hours or days.
- Have someone available around the clock
- Always be polite, courteous, and professional in your interactions.

Questions: Statistic Find out users

Questions: Niche market - target customers - Local or overseas? Chinese only? Your strength...Weakness: English translation
Questions: What sort of services that you really pro

Social Media Platforms
- Never use more social platforms than you can reasonably keep updated and engaging.

Malaysia - Youtube(Video), Facebook, Website (Wordpress/Wix), (E-commerce)

Questions: If more social media, seek for Social Media Management (SMM).

User Experience Design - UX Design

Every website owner has specific things that they want their visitors to do. Whether that is buying something, registering for a membership, downloading a file or completing a contact form.

Conversion = Convert site visitors into site users and customers

Goal - to increase the number of website conversions that take place without necessarily increasing your website traffic/increasing your visitors. Conversions rate from 1% to 2%

Approach UX Design scientifically.

1. Create hypothesis to improve a website's conversion rate
2. Decide what needs to be tested in order to support that hypothesis
3. Make the appropriate changes to the website and begin A/B conversion testing.
4. Collect enough data to draw real conclusions from the test results
5. Review the conversion performance and make adjustments

Questions: Find and select few group of people whose interest is the same as yours and discuss about it. Can find it from Facebook group/Forum.Find out any books exercise.

Questions: How to increase weekly site traffic by using SEO, SEM and SMM practice. Find out from google any exercises/practical.

Email Marketing

1. A strong subject line
2. Avoidance of Spammy Words
3. Ending with a Call to Action (CTA)
4. Personal and Individual

What would I want to read? What would get my attentio? and how would I feel if this was sent to me?

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