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Friday, August 03, 2018

Job Design

Another modern job design theory is the Core Characteristics Model, which maintains five important job elements that motivate workers and performance:

#1. Skill variety - Meaningfulness in their jobs

Routine and repetitive tasks vs Possession of several skills and abilities

#2. Task identity - degree to which the job requires completion of a whole; doing a job from beginning to end with visible outcome; feels more involved in the completion of the process.

#3. Task significance - The job is significant if it can affect other people's lives within and outside people; it can improve the well-being of other people (not just himself), whether physically, psychologically or emotionally.Knowing their job or performance has the capacity to have a positive impact on other will motivate them further to do better.

#4. Autonomy

Feel greater personal responsibility for their own actions on the job.

Less autonomy if they are adhered strictly to what job procedures manual provides, to meekly follow the instructions of a supervisor, they will not help them feel responsible for their actions at all.

Job feedback

An effective job description delivers at least four benefits straightaway:

a) Increased employee satisfaction and engagement

b) Enhanced motivation and professional ambition

c) Improved quality of human resources

d) Enhanced reliability of annual performance reviews

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