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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Business Plan

A lot of argument and unavoidable things have happened in our team. We didn't expect how serious it was until we got to know that our team has found out the bad issue together. There were someone who has cheated us and didn't admit what their had done to some of our teammates. Eventually, they left us without giving any reason. We were very dissapointed to what they had done to us. However, we insisted to continue our own plan but we will have to adjust our previous plan in our management team.

The process of acheiving our album has becoming harder. Due to our investor concern, they would like to see our biz plan instead of just 'a piece of paper'. Furthermore, I really think that it will still be a long way to go before we can release our first album. A lot of plan and discussion need to go along with. I hope that our spirit will not die in the end and yet we can come out something that is worth for us after spending out so much of energy and time on it.

We decided to get a meeting every sunday night at 10 pm. Gotta make it as part my biz life even though i hate this kind of process.

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