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Saturday, April 21, 2007


Hey young man, now here is the tips to all Malaysian people especially guys.
Ok.. let us get one thing straight!

After a few times of getting out wif some lovely girls, I feel like it is more advisable for everyone to find a girl who is really like you instead of you. Y? Now here is the reason.

1) You will not be getting a very heartbreak when you have been pissed off. You will not feel rotten as pain as more than they do. Of coz, the important thing is that BOTH must be showing their loves to each others. Apparently, I got this experience and it was really hurt in tragedy when I was too loving her.

2) Secondly, looking for someone who has many topics to discuss with. Instead of just talking about love, they are willing to share thoughts, future, planning, $, and everything that can hold the relationship in tide. Both accept their strengths and weaknesses and help to improve both. No doubt, when both have some arguments, they should be calm down at first. Then one should apologize to another and know how to settle instead of just leave it alone.

3) Nice, good looking versus sexy girl, 2active will not last for long. Y? e.g. Is just like an artist. Everyone likes you when you have everything, nice voice, body, good looking face blah blah.. but when he/she have been caught getting drugs, or even received a say from many witneses that she is a lesbian, her reputation will seriously been whack out by millions of fans and people even his/her agent. Everybody will try to blame her even she is innocent even she said no. Although it is pity, but it is the fact. So, dun find anyone who is too near to perfect BUT it is depend on how is the capability of you handling things. If you dun have optimistic mind, and you think that you are able to live with the perfect match, then you will have no trouble with a question like – Y I’m so weak?. To me, sorry, no way.

4) When fate comes, you need to grab it by your own. When you have a sense, you must take an action. Or else you will regret. Trust me. At least you have tried instead of just dreaming and dreaming and dreming…. WAKE up man, be a MAN, everything starts from initiative action… you try many things. You try how to live in the competitive place, you try how to get to know your family and friends, you try how to be more mature, you try to work hard... .. In your life, you are always try & try. It is not a matter of how good the result is, it is the matter of how well you have done in the whole progress.

5) No triangular Love PLEASE. Although you have a good reason Y you still wanna stay with him/her… I tell you wat… it is a TRAP! You gotta wake up and leave them alone. You will have a good day now but not in future. Think twice, you have a good sweet day, but in the end you’ll get nothing. This kinda love is like an injured. If you do not take any medicine in an early stage, you will get more serious in pain and more work to be done to cure your pain. So let’s get away from the pain.

6) No TURNING Back. When you failed one. Try not to come back and pushing yourself into it. Even you got his/her body(acceptance), you will not get their soul(believed) as you are forcing him/her to accept you. If someone tells you that he/she dun like you, it is TRUE. People will not say 'I dun like you' if they are forced to say so. When someone say that 'I’m just ok', in fact it is really not OK. Everyone is OK when problem is completely settled. Get it? If you insist not to follow the game, either you will be losing your friendship or you will be kicking your butt or slapping on your face

Eh... Common, when talking about lov.. y I can write so many words here? Ok, now I gotta tell you that I need to take some rest and stop writing this .. gotta move on to the next one! Peace!

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