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Friday, December 15, 2017

10 Secrets of Entrepreneurs - How to stop being just an employee

  1. Start reconditioning your mind by educating yourself in an area you truly enjoy. Studying subjects that inspire you is a key to being successful and fulfilled.
  2. Successful entrepreneurs know their strengths and weaknesses
  3. Leadership is influence. Successful entrepreneurs are those who have learned how to influence others.
  4. Encouragement can change someone's attitude, which will change their actions, which will change their results.
  5. Failure is the way we learn and grow. It shows us where there needs to be a correction
  6. Entrepreneurs must take responsibilities for their failures
  7. Always remember, failure is not your enemy. Failure is your friend.
  8. Successful entrepreneurs always seek to solve a problem permanently, or to find a long-term solution
  9. Successful entrepreneurs are willing to do what's hard now to make life easier later.
  10. Entrepreneurs can see the big picture, while employees can only see their small piece of the puzzle
  11. Knowing little about a lot allows you to more quickly and easily find solutions when problem arise.
  12. Complaining creates problems, it doesn't solve them
  13. Arrogance is weakness, and has led to many failures. The art of humility is beautiful.
  14.  Taking responsibility means working toward making things better
  15.  Taking responsibility means you refuse to play the blame game. Taking responsibility means you refuse to complain and justify.
  16. If you don't value money, then you aren't likely to have any. We do not accumulate things that we do not value.
  17. If you are going to built wealth, you will experience some failures and losses. You may make money, and you may lose money - it's part of the process.
  18. The people you choose to spend time with are some of the most important choices you make.
  19. The people you spend time with can make you, or they can break you.
  20. I have discovered that many people who are truly successful and fulfilled enjoy helping others achieve a more fulfilling life.
  21. Don't spend excessive time looking into the past - it's a sure way to waste a lot of your present
  22. Your true success and happiness depends on you being true to your personal values.
  23. The surest way to waste your life is to live it without a vision.
  24. Self-doubt is the reason so many employees remain employees.
  25. The fewer risks you take, the less likely you are to succeed.
  26. Faith says, "Yes you can." Fear says, "No you can't"
Abstract from the book called - 10 Secrets of Entrepreneurs - How to stop being just an employee, author - Keith Cameron Smith

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