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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Financial Planning notes

如何储蓄 - 利用其他人的算法来算下自己的,给与有用的评语

Dr. Wong Kok Fye 黄国辉博士
G-Plus Advisory Sdn Bhd

Cash Flow Game

Create, Protect, Invest & Distribute your wealth

Create - face problem, e.g. bank loan, credit card

Protect - Life general

Invest - Saving Investment

Distribute - Will & Trust

Financial Independant
Family Obligations
Backup Fund
Financial Security
Living Expenses

40% - Living Expenses
20% - Loan/ Debt
20% - Asset Investment
20% - Saving & Risk - Cash/Deposit/Insurance

Life Insurance - 3D's Death/Disability/Disease

HealthCare Planning
- Dread diseases - Flat Protection, increasing protection
- Medical Benefit - Standalone, investment link

10% from income - Death/Critical illness/Total permanent Diability/Medical/PA

General Security - 转移风险
Housing (Building or contents
ATM protect

Broker Insurance - Marine

-Reserve 3 -6 months
- Emergency & Accidentally purpose
- Max Reserve < 12 months
- While uses, refill it as soon as possible

Who should consider?
Protection complete, retirement easily

How much can start?
50K Lump Sum + Month 1k above
- How start

Start build your own personal portfolio
Allocate % in the tools like fund, share, property, antic, value items

1st step - financial independent, 2nd step - financial freedom, 3rd step - early retired

(a) - Liquidity -> cash -> Bank
(b) - Security -> Keyman -> Insurance Company
(c) - Profitability -> Investment -> Share & Property

Money Game?

不合法投资 =/ 不是非法

Money Game - 没有产品,不能register

Escalating Cost of Living & Decreasing Purchasing Power

DISC - Dominance积极 , Influence 主动, Compliance 消极, and Steadiness 被动.

六大目标 - Six Goals

  • Financial Independent
  • Happy Family Life
  • Healthy Body
  • Self-Improvement
  • Contributed to Society
  • Peace of Mind

MQ (Money Q ) 财富智商关键

修身 ->思维-> 方向-〉提升-〉借力-〉双赢


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