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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The important of marketing

Financial Success Depends on Marketing Ability

Needs, wants and demand

Marketing Strategies (4 Ps)
Search for high demand products, then business functions matter.
Monitor customers and competitors

Marketing is identifying and meeting human and social needs. It is an organisation function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value (quality, service and price) to customer.

Marketing management - choosing target market , getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior  customer value.

Target Market, Positioning and Segmentation

To reach a  target market, 3 kind of marketing channel
Communication Channel, Distribution Channel and Service Channel

Supply Chain is a longer channel stretching from raw materials to component to final products that are carried to final buyers; represents a value delivery system

Profit through customer satisfaction

Why stalking, cyberbullying and doxxing are so harmful and what makes people do it

All Stores Failed but one succeed

You should not have jumped ship from that 9 to 5 just yet.

Online Business / The odds (the likelihood of something happening)

When fidget spinners were all the rage

I was so crazy for trying that. But it sure was one helluva a ride.

You will never regret trying but you will always regret holding yourself back. So take risks. But most importantly, have fun building.

Passive income

Won't give up
You have got heart
Hard work to go into this
Hustle and obsessed with business- pressure someone into doing something; unable to stop thinking about something
Build a lot of businesses over the next few years
Some will fail, others will flourish; biggest wins and upsetting loss.
Don't be afraid to fail, and don't be ashamed of your setbacks.
Entrepreneurship is a patience game and is hard.
Do not pull all your expectations in your first store
Keep on buidling - Keep building upon your experience

Find online resources that are completely free but resourcefull e.g. Shopify, Youtube - they might a bit work to organize only.

Build one and the only one store first and focus; focus on getting that product in front of even more people.

Things you should do
1. Adding products to your website
2. Create facebook ads and post on social media
3. Get obsessed with building your store's blog to keep your acquisition costs low,

Keep posting pictures on social media several times a day,

and experiment with ads/emails/products.

4. Do marketing - get your product out to the right people

e.g. More practice, put some content on that blog of yours, try retargeting your blog traffic

try to send your email out to your list,
reach out to some influencers or fan pages and pay for a shout-out; get some influencers to take photos you can use in exchange for a free products.

Keep experimenting with ads; keep testing different ad sets with Facebook ads

5. Once Break even keep working with them. A

6. charge 3-5x multiple of your product cost

7. Lower marketing costs - SEO an affordable, long-term strategies instead of short-term wins like advertising and influencer marketing especially in steady niche. Once you have built up some cash flow, reinvest that money back

8. Don't choose narrow niche that resulted in so few sales; strategy is to choose a niche so big that it had trending products within it.

9. When choosing a nice, choose something with high search volume. e.g. yoga 1.83 million monthly searches. Keep an eye on other best-seller products

>100,000 or millions of searches a month

10. Find product that cannot buy them anywhere. It's an impulse buy product. It's not mainstream enough that someone could just buy it locally.

11. Searching through your feed and find out some products that catching your eyes. The product is different than anything you have seen. It's something you've never realised you would ever want or need. But as soon as you see it, you know you need to have it.

12. Keep executing, marketing, and getting your products in front of customers to ever get to that level.

13. Start with one Channel and Expand

Focus on one to start.

If you want higher engagement and click through rate, try instagram.

If you want to run ads on an impulse buy product, master Facebook

Marketing search based products, play the long game and optimize your website and write a ton of blog content for your niche.

14. Pick a channel and study your competitor's strategies (4 P's) on that channel meticuluosly, post often, and get better over time.

15. Content Marketing can be a powerhouse at driving traffic for a website.

Long term strategy - build out your blog and write content around certain keywords several times a week.

"25 Inspiring Yoga Quotes from Influencers" - reach out to social media followers and those who mention this in their posts.

Before you reach out to them, set up a Facebook pixel on your website, then create a Facebook retargeting ad for $5.

16. Optimise your product page; Optimise our store for conversions
- with countdown timers
- Spin a sale

17. Email Customer after the sale

Email Campaign - Email people who have already bought from us once.

18. Making your first hire

Hire freelancers, act like a mentor and lead by example.
i) Posting on social media
ii) Processing orders for our store

19. Order products from Different Suppliers
Remember to order product samples

once you start making 6 figures, you are going to wish you had put more care into your store's branding and reputation.

e.g. minimize negative feedback and returns by ordering a sample of each product

Ask yourself these questions:

Does the product look like the picture?
Would I feel guilty selling this product?
Does this product work?
Will this product's clothing size fit my target audience?

Take your own product photos to better optimise your product pages

Find your product through watching american idol or maybe other entertainment, see what are they wearing and are they influencers?

Build your own brand store once it becomes one of the successful ecommerce place

Lazada Shaping the consumer purchasing behavior, become number 1 destination for consumers to search and check out whenever your want to buy something...

You can only win by selling unique product and targeting niche market

Online cusomers behavior when they shop online

Tuesday, September 25, 2018



Echieve a new milestone with the highest-ever single day sales performance with over # orders recorded; amounting to # times more than an average day.

Shoppee 9.9 Super Shopping Day, its biggest annual regional shopping event of the year on September.

Support of loyal users, brands and partners.

Campaign 1
Shopee 12 Days of Extraveganza event Dec 1 to 12
Promotion/Big Discount of up to 90% off

Campaign 2
Shopee Spree Carnival - Dec 3&4 (2 days)
Sellers will sell their wares

When you are difficult to bid during their 12 Days of extraveganza event for certain products, we are selling here.

Coincides with Star Media Group's anniversary and to have a joint celebration and mark the good start to a long-term relationship

Making a comeback on the Shoppee platform was the Shopee Shake, whereby users could shake their phones to make it rain Shopee coins.

Increase its number of users and encourage them to shop online more by enhancing consumer experience with a wide assortment of products and fast delivery services.

2018 - Shopee over 400,000 sellers and 500 official brands

Marketplace vs dropshipping

Pikom - #MyCyberSale2018 - Sep 3 to 4 (Held between National Day and Malaysia Day)
the time to grab fantastic travel deals, your favourite tech gadgets, and shop for festive holiday gifts and year-end parties

Objective: to adopt an omnichannel approach for their business instead to reduce dependency on social media private message sales

2/3 of Malaysian Internet users are online shoppers

aligned with a most fundamental objective of the National Strategic eCommerce Roadmap, which is to accelerate adoption of e-commerce (in Malaysia).

According to the Statistics Department, e-commerce is expected to grow from 10.6% in 2016 to 20.8% by 2020.

With one of the highest Internet penetrations in South-East Asia at 85.7% and mobile penetration at almost 140%, Malaysia has become one of the fastest growing emerging e-commerce emerging markets in the region.

More than 600 merchants are expected to ship orders to China, United Arab Emirates, United States and other countries in Europe and South-East Asia.

62% of the event this year is funded by the private sector compared with 40% last year

Lazada was the largest e-commerce operator in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, based on average monthly web visits. In Singapore, Qoo10 topped the list, followed by Lazada and Shopee.

How to look fabulous during Raya

Shopee also conducted a pre-Raya survey from April 2 to 9 to gain a better insight of Malaysians’ shopping habits leading up to the Raya period. Up to 140,000 respondents from all over Malaysia took part in the survey.

According to the results of the survey:

* 85% of the respondents are below the age of 35, proving that the adopters of e-commerce are generally young;

* The highest number of respondents are recorded from Selangor, making up more than 20% of the total number of respondents;

* East Malaysians comprise 20% of the respondents as they find online shopping more convenient and gives them access to a wider assortment of products;

* 80% of respondents start making preparations for Raya from a month before Ramadan;

* Around 90% of respondents regularly shop online, at least once a month;

* 95% of respondents cited price and promotions as the main reason that they prefer to shop online;

* Additional pull factors that draw users to shop online include convenience, product variations and other incentives such as free shipping and zero commissions as well as platforms that offer secure payment methods - all of which are available on Shopee;

* Interestingly, the top five categories purchased by female respondents during this pre-Raya period include men’s clothing (which ranks the highest, even above women’s clothing and women’s bags & purses), and men’s shoes;

* On the other hand, top five categories purchased by male respondents are men’s clothing, accessories, men’s shoes, men’s bags & wallets and Muslim fashion;

* More than 40% of respondents spend more than RM200 per person buying products in preparation for Hari Raya.

USB drives and Powerbanks are in the top five bestselling items, there are also a number of home products that sell really well on the site.

food containers and also the Shake N Take blender, a small blender that allows you to make a single serving of fruit or vegetable smoothies in a container that also doubles as a drink tumbler.

Study Supply Chain and Customer Behaviour

Cost effectiveness and time delivery

SME - Logistic (Case)

Monday, September 24, 2018



1. 不是赚到钱才成为有钱人,而是要先成为“有钱人”,才会赚到钱;有钱人的思维

2. 成功没有捷径;努力是光,成功是影

3. 赢在转折点,多数人并非败在金钱起跑线上,而是败在人脉、资源、平台、环境等差异。学习富贵者、掌权者、德高望重者的思维方式。天下没有免费的午餐,必须付出时间、精力、情感、甚至金钱,才是改变格局的第一步。

4. 人在低谷时,需要豁达,人在得意时,需要收敛。人在低潮时,尽量多做事少说话。你的精力分配,决定了你的层次。

5. 一个人的成功使大多数人意愿的结果。想清楚自己可以让多少人从你的成功中受益,便会有多少人帮助你成功。

6. 不要吝啬,珍惜自己的时间,也等同于珍惜别人的时间;视野的狭窄导致胸襟的狭窄,还容易造成冲突和矛盾。只有积极的学习,才会有与之匹配的财富。

7. 累积越快越好,尽量把手上的事情办好。快,狠,准,从0到100很慢,但从100到n个100却很快,是时候裂变和倍增的力量开始威力无比。浮躁是一个人最大的敌人,管好自己,实事求是(按照事物的实际情况办)地去做,终会解决一切问题。

8. 我知道-试图”证明自己是对的.” 为的是“合理化"自己的失败和贫穷,不愿意改变,一直期待获得意外的礼遇。有钱人会持续学习升级,穷人则认为他们早已知道一切。

9. 成功六步骤

    扩大格局,定下5年规划具体目标 -

健康 (Health),心灵和精神 (Spirit & Mind) ;

修养知识 (Development & Knowledge);

个人家庭 (Personal & Family);

经济,物质,金钱 (Financial, Material, Money);

社会工作 (Social & Career)




    随时检讨 (Review) - 检查 (Examination) 并认识自己的缺点或错误、反思 (Rethink) -从过去吸取经验教训、总结(Summary)、改进 (Improvement)


10. 行动 - 千里之行始于足下,改变将来从现在开始,改变现在,未来就跟着改变。


    胆识 - 不惧怕刁难,面不改色,直言不讳 - speak frankly and bluntly,面对困难又没有突破的勇气。一直保守,将墨守成规,永远做不出大事,不会有很大的变革、突破性的进展;如果没有胆识,面对上司的权威,自然无法与之抗衡。唯有员工有胆识、不畏惧,才可能与上司对话,才可能説服上司做更好的选择。有胆识的同时也要拿捏。

    灵活机智,化险为夷;应变强 - 所谓的“朴实”,灵活机敏的员工,比较受主管欢迎。因为脑子有创意、不僵化,知道举一反三,通晓如何处理突发问题;这些“应变”能力,很多时候,比原本的专业还重要。

    专业能力 - 不但维持自己的价值,专业能力还需要与时俱进,不备受淘汰

    暗箭难防,细心求证 - 随时保持高度怀疑与警惕,是很重要的态度。对面对自己的权益受影响的事件仍应该努力争取,不轻言退让。



关注现在政府的去向,着重于小型企业发展,Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0, 未来趋势,朝向网络发展,势在必行!!!!



Saturday, September 22, 2018

Plan 2019

Basic Level - Health, Spirit and Mind

Intermediate Level - Development and Knowledge

Result Level - Family, Personal, Financial, Material & Money, Social and Career

1. Earn 10K from ecommerce (RM4138) + photography (RM5862) - Achieve every month RM5200 per month

Need to find unique products that everyone loves to buy

e.g. waterproof, wireless, weight(light), safety - low volume but high profit

2. Healthy relationship with partner

3. Travel trip to Taiwan with mother and sister.  Prepare 8K for me and mother.

4. Continue my CeMBA (1 subject & 1 project)

5. Provide Different value of Photography Workshop

6. Create own Youtube - Photoshop, Lightroom, Final Cut Pro X Tutorial & Book Sharing

7. Take part in photo competition 2019. Before September 2019, take street photos/heritage as many as you can. To have your own masterpiece.

8. Learn Digital Marketing within 5 months (Jan - May 2019) before exam. Own Digital Certificate.

9. 70 KG

10. Exercise every 3 times per week

11. Eat mineral food,

12. Learn how to be a better cook

13. Photo shoot pre-wedding portfolio

Update as at 16 Oct 2018

Site Giant

Find out which that can be sold internationally

4 to 5 years in selling one unique products

2017 - Lelong has 8000 active sellers

Lelong provides 1.6 million products and services, across various categories

Netpay - a payment system and accept payment using Visa, Mastercard, MyDebit, Samsung Pay, and Visa PayWave and Mastercard PayPass

89.4% of Malaysian prefer to use smarphones to browse internet as compared to desktops and laptops.

Dropshipping, business growth, start to have own stock

use lelong and then other marketplace... and till SiteGiant, can synchronise all together

Become familiar with those shop seller

Dropshipping is to product the products

Shift from dropship to direct import

to retailer

Reviews are important - an assurance, ask those customer for positive reviews

After receiving a lot of customers from all around the world, expand his market to Ebay US via SiteGiant Cross border marketplace sync.

Everyone can sell

2011 - 2014 traditional way to sell products
2014 - use ecommerce shopping cart 

2011 - 2018 7 years

Take action upon the trend
Sell in Forum that is related and local one.

When you are not getting any sales, improve your content marketing strategies, to get sales.

Use your house as a place to keep stock

To be different from others, exploring new opportunities. Come out with different content because there's a lot of competition.

Move their headquarters from from Kampar to Penang?? if there is opportunity in the ecommerce business??

So far I will see Penang is Kilang, Travel places, nice food, many chinese people

Kampar, Travel places and nice food, many chinese people

Increase brand awareness: e.g. shorten the delivery time

Never stop thinking of ways to improve and enhance when it comes to customer service and internal workflow

Always trying new things and venturing into new opportunities.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Facebook ads

Dropshipping Product 2018

Find the missing puzzle to fill up the whole picture. You still have a chance to sell things facebook.

resonate with your audience

Facebook marketing advice

How we choose the products that we will be featuring on this list

Google Trends, Check Facebook and Instagram post with high engagement rates, also skimmed the best-selling lists from other

popular ecommerce websites like Amazon or Wish

Verified Suppliers - provide highest  quality service from suppliers

Try to have few websites that aims for different products and different seasons and target different country of people

Look at what is the latest fashion wear by artists.
Look at seasoning products, new, untapped product 尚未开发的产品, super practical, lighter, cheaper,


September - October 2018 - Halloween pumpkin products
November - December 2018 - Christmas products

What products is steady seller, look for must-have for Halloween outfits

Cowboys, bandits, bikers, scarecrows, etc...

Low cost, play margin ; offer a free bandana to customers who spend more than $50 in your store.

Sell products that is related to your lifestyle, at the same time, you can buy and test before selling out. Take own video

and photo.

Need budget

e.g. Home decor,

Write a good and attractive sentence

Industrial Revolution 4.0 - trend; aim for milenials group because they are the one who buy online products the most.
Aim for Asean countries / European

1. Home decor - dusbin
2. customised product
3. Car accessories
4. fashion
5. 3C products camera, watch, accessories, gear
6. Pet store
7. Local Travel page
8. Wedding decor /accessories - sell first then service when start to have more creative ideas. Use as for our portfolio....

wedding event management...
9. Food

Learn Study Ecommerce, prepare product lists cost/margin, supplier list,

Dropshipping vs ecommerce
If they need gear

Find out Best Marketing Campaign in 2018, etc...
1. ad campaigns that involve audiences
2. brands create campaigns that are hyper-local and seem tailor-made for specific audiences
3. Know what is working now and future
4. Fact-based, its surprises, its inclusive

Why was this ad so effective?
1. The picture (Wow factor)
2. The targeting - It pay to be as relatable as possible to your customer, same ethnicity, color, Asia/Europe etc..

Innovation, creative idea
1. Initial - know how to elaborate in words, pictures, video
2. Learn know how to create interesting short storyline and touching.
3. Learn how to market ur products/ideas.
4. Learn how to find investment/collaboration

Draw on the wall that does not really exists - e.g. penang wall/ipoh wall, you draw your arts to become part of them.

Learn on how to speak out fluently and professionally, editing, jokes
Watch Tedex, 关键时刻, comedy, 综艺节目

First the post and let them share to other, then if those without "like" our page, invite them to like our page. They are

potential fans.

Invite people constantly for about 30 minutes; after that, ask your family/friend to become admin of your page and pay them a

small fee to invite as many people as possible.

Evolving from small budget page to big page. 0 to 100. 100n

Wednesday, September 19, 2018








要社交 - 独木不成林


舍不得吃亏 - 吃不得亏,礼尚往来




选择迷茫 - 鱼和熊掌不可兼得 "本意不是说二者必然不可兼得,而是强调当如果不能兼得的时候,我们应当如何取舍"

遇挫遇怂 - 经不起挫折

没有独立人格 - 人云亦云,独立思考,判断









Which one important first, and next, focus



1.) Education/Study

i) Administration & Management
ii) Statistic Analysis & Research
iii) Quantitative Techniques
iv) Accounting & Finance
v) Psychology
vi) Marketing

vii) Digital Marketing
viii) E-commerce
ix) Sales
x) Investment - Unit Trust/Stock/PRS
xi) 冷知识
xii) 学习幽默感/创意

2.) Art
i) Videography
ii) Photography
iii) Drawing

3.) Language
i) English
ii) Chinese
iii) Writing & Scripting

4.) Sharing & Experiment (Youtube/Facebook)
i) New Information Technology - Website/Mobile App
ii) Camera & Video Accessories
iii) Tutorial - Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X, Camera Setting
iv) Books

5.) Social Network
- Join Fair/Workshop/Conference/Association
i) Jios Academy - Digital Marketing & Ecommerce

- Leadership
i) JCI

- Connection with suppliers

6.) News
i) Politics
ii) Economics

计划时间分配, 决定哪一项是最重要,再来最不重要
Important - Less Important










低潮時,回來看看 10 句肺腑之言













Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Howdy Partner

Photography/Videography - Dillon, Rotten, Bao, Shawn Liew, Sean, Ken Gor, Hendry, Teh CW, Chee Hin, Jay Tsen, Bao, Wilson Teoh (KL), Raven (KL), Marcus Yeap (KL), Hong Leong (KL), Ooi Chee Choon (Penang)

Business/Managenet - Jet Lo, Vincent, Sherly, Joey, Alice, SH, May
Design - Sherly, Lay Theng, SH
Games - Sheau Ling
Logistic - Tin Yee
MC - Bernice Fong, Dinesh, Kevin










38 - 60 = 22 years




Monday, September 17, 2018

How to earn Passive Income

1. Fiverr
2. Stockphoto
3. 在行
4. 分答
5. Youtube
6. Affiliates
7. E-book
8. E-course : Udemy