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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

6 stories to remember

First day when I was entered the tutorial class of Management Accounting, I thought the class will be very boring class. Surprisingly, the tutor was really impressed me and my classmates when he told us that his salary per month could reach to RM50,000!

He told us how he so successful by given us six short stories. These stories really useful to me and I would remember it in my whole life.

1st stories: Number one

He told us that anyone of us must be Number one but not number two. Why? Easy. He asked us whether anyone knows who was the first astraunot stepped on the moon? Of course, most of student would answer Armstrong. How about the second person? Everyone seemed to be silent and none could answer the question.

2nd stories: Be different

He told us that after graduate, we all are competitors. In order to succeed in an interview, you must good in your 'package'. You must be different in the way of wearing, speaking, coorperating and etc.

3rd stories: Knows everything

He asked us how 7-11 different from others and if we opened a shop same as 7-11, why 7-11 so successful? Most of students answered business plan, brand name, location and etc. Tutor said they just a part of it but not the answer he want. Lastly, he told us that its 'everything'.

4th stories: What can u see?

He brought out his Nokia handphone and asked us what we can see. Students replied 'cheap', big, old and others funny answers. Tutor got upset. But, he then told us that, 'Can't you see my hand?'

5th stories: Surprise!

In a jungle, there were 3 guys. American, France, and Japanese. American was good in idea. So he asked France to bring back some wood for fire. He also told Japanese to get some supplies. Three of them started doing their job separately and promised to regroup after 1 hours. After 1 hour, American and France came back at time but not Japanese. They waited and waited. Lastly, they went to find the Japanese. Beside them there was a bush, they heard some noise rustling behind the bush and suddently..... 'Surprise!'. The Japanese thought that they want him to have them surprise instead of giving them some supplies. The morale of this is that the communication is important and by right should communicate properly.

Students praised the tutor saying that he is very hardworking. But the response of tutor was that, 'I'm not hardworking.'