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Sunday, June 05, 2005


"Hei..hei.. what happen to CY? Can somebody tell me why he join martial art?". Well, very simple, to get bonny. haha. Before joining this, I ain't received any impression about this. Until the time when I met a girl who encouraged me to join the taekwondo. At first, it seemed to me that taekwondo is a very aggressive and tiring exercises. It did stress a lot with your muscle and you totally would get pain at the end of the practice. After a few days of practices, I just realized that taekwondo not only can improve your ability in speed, agility, strength, healthiness, also make you feel 'easier' to sleep. Hehe. When we watch action movies , sometimes we forget to watch 'something'. Something that will be ignored by many audience when they watched. Which is the way of defeating enemy and defending themself. It is easy to watch but not in practice. Anyway, I will like to share the photo with you guys. Try to search the pic and tell me where am I. Hehe.