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Monday, December 26, 2005

My Demo has done!

Yea yea.. this is a truely moment that I can rest for a while bcoz I have completed 5 Demo songs in two days. Wat a hurry working experience. I will post my demo here once the demo is submited to the hand of Mainstream. Haha... you know... for copyright purpose. You can't blame me for not giving you a priority to listen my songs, ok? Deal. Haha... Thanks for Boon in helping me submitting the demo to them. I hope both of us can enter to the top 10 list!! .. Pray & pray & pray...

5 Demo songs are as follow:

Song Name

1. 自伤自怜 Zi Shang Zi Lian 4.27
2. 星星 Xing Xing 4.01
3. 天国心愿 Tian Guo Xin Yuan 2.24
4. 对你的种种 Dui Ni De Zhong Zhong 4.53
5. 谁错 Shui Cuo 4.25

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