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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Words - Music

Victor and Vanquished

trilby hat
crisp shirt

- a Mischievous smile 淘气的

- folk 民间的, 民族
- gospel信仰
- irreverent - feeling or showing no respect for sacred things 不尊敬的
- comical 好笑的, 滑稽的
- full of braggadocio 自夸, 吹牛大王

Music Instrument
- Banjo
- Maracas
- Marumba Box
- Bamboo sax

debut album - 初次登场
dock his yacht
contemporary - 同时代的人
septuagenarian - 七十至八十岁(之人)
legendary revelry - 传说中的狂欢
music industry veteran - 富有经验的人
make an achieve of their songs
latterly joined 后来
gigs - To work as a musician
a virtuoso 艺术品鉴赏家
incongruity n. 不调和的, 不适宜的

I always find myself Perk up and ready - To regain or cause to regain one's good spirits or liveliness 振作
Spring up
faded into
dry up - To make or become unproductive,
busk at - To play music or perform entertainment in a public place, usually while soliciting money.

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