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Monday, February 13, 2017

Habit Stacking - S.J. Scott

Changes in 6 Different Areas -

  1. Productivity, 
  2. Relationships
  3. Finances
  4. Health/Physical/Fitness
  5. Spirituality/Mental WellBeing
  6. Leisure

1. 决定时间地点,时间,然后排进行事历 Pick a Time & Location

e.g. 在午休时间,在通勤时间,在健身房时间,晚上在家里时间,即将下班时间,in the morning at home, on your lunch break, during travel or on the road, the first part of the work day at the office

2. 一次建立一组好习惯 Build One Routien at One Time

e.g. 1 week/21 days/3 months

3. 先追求小成功 (e.g. settle 1 minutes tasks) - Start with "Small Wins"

4.列出可行的核对清单 - Create a Logical "Checklist" - Your checklist of habits should work together and flow seamlessly.

5. 知道为什么要做 - Have a "reason why"

6. 负起责任 - Be accountable

7. 给点开心奖励 - Create Small, Enjoyable Rewards

8. 着重反复达成 - Focus on Repetition

Reference example:

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