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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Submitted Photos to Photography Society 2017

This is some of my artwork submitted to Photography society for the exhibition 2017. Thoese photos were taken during visiting to “The Nightscape of Light Sensation" a wonderful and unique event located at Malaysia Agro Exposition Park, Serdang (“MAEPS”). It has been successfully recorded into the Guinness World Records.

Survey of Malaysian's view towards goverment implicant and governance

Why Nobody Cares About Your Business

1. In the digital world, the cost of building your website has gone down to next to nothing.
2. If you have an idea, that you believe will make a difference in people's lives, that you can connect with them anywhere in the world and they will pay you to solve their problems. That is the good news. The bad news is there's never been a harder time in history to get people to care. Nobody cares about your business. e.g. You have traffic, but no one's buying. It's so demoralizing. 

All these things are important. We need website, Facebook page, landing page, emails, youtube ads, youtube page, twitter account, Instagram and it all needs to work together. But really none of that stuff matters, unless you get one thing right - "Story".

A definition of sales is taking someone from a place that they are right now, whether it's a place of extreme pain, or trying to avoid pain, or maybe they're in a good place but they wanna get to a much better place and sales is a process of convincing someone to invest in a better future.

People buy on emotion and justify with logic.

If you feel like them, you can interact with them because you understand why he is doing what and so you can help him in much better way.

Emphathy, once you are inside their head, you need to really understand what is the story that they're telling themselves in their life. Everyone is walking around based on their pain points and their emotions and what's happening to them and telling themselves a story.

Anthony Robin says everyone's got a story they're telling themselves. If you can figure out to change your story, you change your life.

Learning exactly how to talk their language and how to tell them what they want, to get out of our product or our business or service or whatever, then you identify with those words. You put them in real words that they resonate with them, and, therefore you connect with them.

People don't really care about their story because they are inside their own head. Think about the movie Star Wars. Everyone's walking around and they wanna be Luke Skywalker in their own story. They don't want you to be Luke Skywalker. They don't want you to impress them and dazzle them. and your job is to be Yoda. As a brand, as a product, you are playing a very small part in their lives, the story that they are telling themselves but it's important because Yoda, everyone likes Yoda, it's important. And you just have to be there providing those little nudges so that they can do and accomplish, even if you are helping a lot, they can accomplish what they are on a journey to do. That's the goal of your products or service.

Free offer to interrupt people in the story they are living and show them there is a different path -> start to gain confident ->  once you get them to follow you a little bit on the new story you are helping them tell themselves, they are starting to get some confidence, then you can actually gain some knowledge from them, they know, like and trust you-> they are gonna invest -> that's gonna help them live that brighter future.

People are walking around not waiting for your product or service. If they even know about you, they are not waiting for you to come and get into their lives. They are busy.

The last part of success in online digital marketing is digital storytelling. You really have to take people where they are because you know who your ideal client is. You have to meet them there and to get them to follow you on your journey. The copy of speaking, the video is talking right to them and their pain points and their emotions as to offering them a better future.

Once they sign up for your free marketing series, then they're getting in there, they are getting an emails, that's continuing to lead them down this journey and it's all link together.

Any channel that they might be in, they need to see the next part of the story. Most people will not go through your story all in one shot, they are gonna have to go through it's multiple times and they're gonna stop and they are gonna start.And that's is the magic of the digital story.

Think about how to start a conversation with our possible customer
How to get in touch first time
How to keep the conversation alive - by email, by facebook by videos
by some free content we can deliver value
I started becoming more creative and understanding better. What it was that I wanted to actually sell because I understood what they wanted to buy.

Understand 3 things - Empathy, really understanding your ideal client, story.

What is the story that your customer is telling themselves in the head and how do you rewrite that story And then finally, once you have written that story, how do I map that story methodically onto a digital story telling map through the journey they need to take to know that I can trust you to invest in your services.

Construct around story matters
- How to really emphatize with your clients & what that really means

- How does the hero's journey works. How do you really retell someone's story.
Show them they can tell a new story

- Finally, What's the journey that people need to go through online.
How do you map them out so that they can really get that future what they want.

Design Poster for Conference 2017

This is another artwork designed by me.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Convocation Briefing

These videos were captured by my colleague. I am giving convocation briefing to graduands during convocation rehearsal day on March 2017.

Monday, August 28, 2017


1. 九十五巴仙所想的事情通常都不会发生.
2. 健康第一,如果找到一位女友,但是担心多过安心的话,对自己的身体不太好,不值得
3. 做你想要的事
4. 如果生命能用巴仙计算,如果能活到75岁,你的生命只剩下50.6. 一半!!!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Workshop - My first Photography Workshop in UTAR

Things to cover in my workshop


The Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) plans to organize a 1/2 day Workshop on Photography Workshop. Participants will learn how camera works and techniques to take pictures.

Course Objective

To understand how camera works
To teach students the basic techniques of taking pictures

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this program, participants would be able to:

Describe the basic function and working of camera
Demonstrate techniques of taking pictures

Key topics

This program covers the following topics:

Camera's basic settings and other equipment of photography
Basic of photography composition and technique

  • Read 50 - 100 articles and come out 1 or 2 articles per week. 
  • Now 29/8/17 (Tue) - 4/11/17 and I have in total 10 weeks - Write 2 articles per week. Total 20 articles.
  • Biodata
  • Share my artwork - video UTAR campus, timelapse
  • Introduction
  • Content (include some jokes/funny video clips)
    • Auto Mode, Manual Mode & P Mode
    • ISO, Shuttle Speed & Aperture
    • Introduce the camera accessories
    • Light & Shadow
    • Composition e.g. Rule of Third - break the rules
    • Techniques of taking pictures
    • Learn from expert & think of the trend
    • Q&A
    • Lessons
    • Criticism
  • Ending - share my sifu/guru's sound recording for their reference, introduce my Youtube teaching channel, blog and a list of favorites, free to comments. 
  • How to make sure they will come back again?


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Network Idea

In order to increase the number of friends, I highly recommend to introduction yourself in online video streaming conversation. Which mean that you can use any sort of network tool to communicate with someone.

At first, you can start doing business talk to students then followed by working adults.

Besides you can learn how to speak in english / madarine to become a well-known online speaker.

Monday, August 14, 2017

# Ecommerce - Statistic in Malaysia

1. According to Khairul Azwan Harun, in Malaysia, even with high penetration surpassing 70% of the Malaysian population, it is estimated that only 5% of Malaysian SMEs are venturing into e-commerce.

Asean alone has a population of over 600 million, a market that is 20 times bigger than Malaysia. Malaysian SMEs must take advantage of the Digital Free Trade Zone to access this huge market.

To acheive the goal of being a high income nation, we must break the business and traditional trading barriers and e-commerce is the key.

Reference - TheStar newspaper 14/8/17

Friday, August 11, 2017






Reference: Speed

Tuesday, August 08, 2017



1. 少說抱怨的話。
2. 少說評論人的話。
3. 少說氣話。

1. 多讀書。
2. 多逼自己。
3. 多謙讓。


Friday, August 04, 2017






1. 在还没有拍摄之前,必须要和对方讨论细节。这非常重要。比如,那些moment是必须有拍到的,哪些是不应该出现在照片上的。

2. 不能够在拍摄当天还要补钱。必须在成交之前把所有的问题,价格细节解析清楚。

3. 有时候拍摄时有哪方面是不能做的事,如有违反道德,礼节上。不同的宗教,有不同的仪式。要多了解。

4. 对方家人亲戚要有礼貌,态度要专业,细心。

5. 服务方面也要专业。一身人一次结婚,如果多花一点时间帮对方构思一下整天的故事大纲,捕抓肯定会加分的。

6. 摆设东西方面要创意,但也要注意逻辑性,大众能不能接受。

7. 站在对方的角度想

8. 网络的散播谣言是非常恐怖的,当不愉快的事情发生时,双方如果能够出面解决,而不是为了在网路发泄,这也许能帮助到双方。

9. 有哪方面顾客是愿意或不愿意做的事项。你的观察力和随机应变能力要够强。

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Multilife - 多元人生

人生的宽度来自于[体会],深度来自于[回馈] - 刘宜欣



[心描]效应 - 一旦敢想目标,就去监视现实和目标之间的差距,自己还缺什么,还要学会什么,还得做哪些事。所以敢不敢想,决定你的人生是眼前的一条线,还是有多元组合的可能。






最后[活动]则是[理解客户需求]的方式。- 不管是公司尾牙,还是客户活动,从担任工作人员,主持人到总召,每场活动前,他一定会问自己三个问题,为什么要做?为什么非做不可?为什么非我不可?透过分析,才能从对方的角度看见别人的需求,才能正式自己优势与不足的地方。透过PDCA循环,从做中学,从学中不断自我检讨与改进。



[公益] -那种从陌生到被信任,是世界最美好的感受。





Reference : 30 杂志

Balance 平衡人生

想要的越多,越要学 [放手] 找平衡



1.) 抓大放小,其余一律授权


重要是画出蓝图,制定计划,该做也非做不可的工作,是决策。先画出蓝图,制定计划。现画出whole picture,然后确认资源和相关窗口。就交给团队执行,自己只确认进度。

独立自主训练 - 提企划书前,先研究其它人的作品,想办法

2.) 别花时间在讨论问题,要求开会前将解决方案准备好,只听重点,马上下判断。






e.g. 谢凯婷-美味生活HowLiving 矽谷美味人妻

5AM - 拟定重大决策 Decision Making
8AM - 8.45AM 和亲子亲密时光
8.45AM - 3PM - 留给自己,工作+运动
3PM- 5PM- 关机自我充电,
5PM-6PM - 亲子讲通时间,晚餐选择电锅,铁锅,烤箱料理
6PM- 10PM - 禁止打扰的全家相处时光
10PM- 三分钟决策,高效越洋会议

Reference: 30 杂志


#2 Online Marketing Idea

Ideas that usually happened during our life and audience opts for this, short video, fast post processing, attract all gender. You want to see the great outcome that can motivate you to do another Youtube channel.

1. Food Receipt - Hack Foods for students

Pros: Short video clip, take shorter time to edit, more audience will look into this

Ideas that seldom happened during our life but audience opts for this

1. Local travel tips and packages

Pros: collaborate with external parties, get sponsors.

Ideas that you like to do but it could take longer time to complete

1. Photography Tutorial/Workshop
2. MV songs
3. Scenes - Local
4. Interview
5. Board Gaming
6. Clubs & Societies promotion
7. Event