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Friday, August 25, 2017

Workshop - My first Photography Workshop in UTAR

Things to cover in my workshop


The Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) plans to organize a 1/2 day Workshop on Photography Workshop. Participants will learn how camera works and techniques to take pictures.

Course Objective

To understand how camera works
To teach students the basic techniques of taking pictures

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this program, participants would be able to:

Describe the basic function and working of camera
Demonstrate techniques of taking pictures

Key topics

This program covers the following topics:

Camera's basic settings and other equipment of photography
Basic of photography composition and technique

  • Read 50 - 100 articles and come out 1 or 2 articles per week. 
  • Now 29/8/17 (Tue) - 4/11/17 and I have in total 10 weeks - Write 2 articles per week. Total 20 articles.
  • Biodata
  • Share my artwork - video UTAR campus, timelapse
  • Introduction
  • Content (include some jokes/funny video clips)
    • Auto Mode, Manual Mode & P Mode
    • ISO, Shuttle Speed & Aperture
    • Introduce the camera accessories
    • Light & Shadow
    • Composition e.g. Rule of Third - break the rules
    • Techniques of taking pictures
    • Learn from expert & think of the trend
    • Q&A
    • Lessons
    • Criticism
  • Ending - share my sifu/guru's sound recording for their reference, introduce my Youtube teaching channel, blog and a list of favorites, free to comments. 
  • How to make sure they will come back again?

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