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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Situation of Life you have to go through if you are a photojournalism

- Constructive writing because you can meet this people expert.
- Expert in writing is not an issue
- Nvr ever take down the "quote" from phone
- as a journalism, must always read newspaper
- Must always look for other info story talk, interview on people
- Mistake: Bcoz overshook & miss your picture: got to think before capture; Know what you are taking
- Freedom of the pres - right to investigate, correctly, truenessly, finalize the detail in a balance form
- Proud of your work
- no glamour, bcoz you're dealing with people, experience, you are telling story
- Authority & effective people & let people reader decide the truth
- Have form of variety of pictures; photo 36 picture in roll analysis situation & shoot accordingly; make pre-selection
- Humanatirian before photography
- every picture must have storyline

Photojournalism Notes

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