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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Words - Abducts, bites and drops

Macaque abducts, bites and drops
Turn from happy mother to grieving 悲伤 one
Was rummaging抄出for food
That such thing could have happened
She was our bundle of joy
Perpetrator 行凶
It was usually the male which was tended to be aggressive
Develop Encroachment侵入into
Most leaders are aligned使密切合作 to him

I don’t think it is necessary to shoot the monkey dead because it is just an animal. Animal does not know what is right or wrong. They are wild. Animal should be protected or leave them alone. They are our nature lovely creature living in this mother earth. No one can determine its life and dead. I would think it is more appropriate if the monkey was caught and sent to any forest far away from the residential areas. I am wondering how did they verify which monkey should then be killed. I wonder how many monkeys were killed on that day or just one.

I feel sympathy of what was happened to this young women and her husband. I’m looking forward to hearing from the Wildlife and National Park on the coming action to ensure there will be no life is lost again.

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