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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Words - 27

Cross over
Express industry needs urgent overhaul 仔细检查
Many could have been spared the agony if …

Depth of field is very shallow
It is still Sturdy though.. 坚定的
That transcends brand preference
Manoeuvre 调动手法花招
Won a number of Accolades locally and internationally
Fine art

Insight 见识,

What Infuriated me was that …

Thousands of stranded Motorists camping at the emergency lane进退两难

It was a horrible unprecedented sight in the wee hours of the morning

Lighting is Prone

Continue with their lackaddaisical attitute towards matter of life and death on road
a tragic
the blame game is being played

There is a refrain to all the comments made so far

We are too familiar with the scenario

So the cynic in us ask:"Well, it's just that he had never been caught before."

let us not be drawn into a debate that..

take remedial 纠正/挽回 action

infringements 违反

to get them out from the vicious 恶劣的;不道德的 cycle of poverty.

we are indeed going overboard pandering 帮人做坏事的人 to the supposedly disadvantanged low-income group

no shadow of a doubt


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