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Monday, October 04, 2010

Words - Music

Mining the Blues

options revolve around
peace grips this album once more.

"In the fast-paced times, we live in, the options revolve around either downloading (legal or otherwise) or purchasing online. It seems that the final bastian of good music lies in these two realms."

to bust the malaise of free music, yet few have taken the mantle

plied back
was bestowed superstar status
captures this in all its replendent glory
turn out to be a double-edged sword - something that causes both advantages and problems
the spark and creative edge
can boast gems
are as captivating as
anti war theme resonated among peace-nicks in a time when ..
the band has lyrists who's capable of melding disparity with positivity
the music may have dulled somewhat from ...
still provide an engaging listen

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