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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Erick Turnbull

Get to know this mad guy as he is too damn good in playing guitar. Recommend to everyone to watch his performance in youtube.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chinese New Year Card Collection - Part one


Saturday, November 03, 2007



























Monday, October 29, 2007



歌手:庾澄庆 专辑:戒不掉








Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lyric from Kai Ling

Just wanna to share this lyric to everyone. I assisted Kai Ling and think of this song's melody. It was fun and enjoyable. I really appreciate it.

Steamboat Personality Test

Feel free to take this test as you will get to know your personality:

What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat?
A. Winter ( To Qn 2)
B. Summer (To Qn 5)
C. No matter what season (To Qn 1)

1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food?
A. Like (To Qn 2)
B. Don't like (To Qn 5)

2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup?
A. Yes (To Qn 3)
B. No (To Qn 6)

3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food, what will you do?
A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn 13)
B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10)

4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant?
A. Famous ( To Qn 7)
B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8)

5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat, will you dare to try?
A. Yes ( To Qn 6)
B. No ( To Qn 8)

6. How many people do you like to have your steamboat meal with?
A. 2-3 soulmates ( To Qn 9)
B. A big group of friends ( To Qn 3)

7. If the steamboat restaurant is very crowded, will you wait for a seat or go to another place?
A. Wait ( To Qn 11)
B. Proceed to another one ( To Qn 12)

8. What kind of food you like to add?
A. Noodle ( To Qn 9)
B. Vermicilli "Tang hoon" ( To Qn 7)

9. Will you drink the soup first or finish all the ingredients in the bowl then drink the soup?
A. Drink the soup first ( To Qn 10)
B. Eat the ingredients first ( To Qn 12)

10. If the boss tells you that you must add some SPECIAL and ODD ingredient in the soup to make it more delicious, will you dare to add?
A. Yes ( To Qn 17)
B. No ( To Qn 13)

11. Will you drink a cup of cooling water after you finish this steamy hot meal?
A. Yes ( To Qn 15)
B. No ( To Qn 14)

12. When you are having your steamboat, do you put in your meat first or put in later?
A. Put it once the steamboat start ( To Qn 15)
B. Later part then put ( To Qn 11)

13. Do you like to put all types of food at one go into the steamboat or have it put in one type by one type?
A. All ( To Qn 17)
B. One type at a time ( To Qn 16)

14. What drink will you like to go with your meal?
A. Oolong Tea ( To Qn 16)
B. Plum juice ( Type A)

15. Do you like to have steamboat at home or outside?
A. Home ( To Qn 16)
B. Outside ( To Qn 14)

16. Will you mind if another customer is standing behind you, waiting for you while you are finishing your food?
A. Mind ( Type B)
B. Don't mind ( Type C)

17. You are already very full with your meal but the boss offer to let you have another steamboat meal, will you eat it?
A. Yes (Type D)
B. No ( To Qn 16)

Shy, a bit of an introvert. You are more stubborn and like to stay alone quietly at home. To you, talking to strangers is a hard thing so you have not much friends. But you will still have some soulmates. You need to treasure people who care and love you. You are more interested in your own matters, you will try your very best to achieve your target. But you can't do everything alone, and just depend on yourself, learn to open up and accept other opinions. Try to get along with different people.

You are a more active person, drawing a clear line between happiness and unhappiness. You are more quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you will do it out second thought. But once you encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of your own views, the friends you tend to have will be of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will understand them a lot and go all the way to help then. Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with your friends.You must learn to do things in order and not give up easily. You can try making friends with those you don't think you can get along with, don't stick with the same category. This will make you more popular and charming.

Gentle like a lamb. You have a high level of adaptance power,easy to get along with people. Very popular in social life but seems that no one will talk bad about you. You hate to have conflicts with people so you always try to adapt to everyone. You treat every person differently. To look at the bright side, you adapt easily. But to look at the dark side,you lack of character, although you are one big nice guy but you lack of charm. On the surface, you have a lot of friends but once you have troubles, you lack of soulmates to help you around. You must try to express yourself more and be more decisive. In this way, you can understand yourself more.

You are stubborn, like to go in circles and don't get to the point. Once you decide on something, no one can change your mind. You are a good leader in a group so you win a lot of trust from your friends.But as you are too persistant on your own thinking, you neglect other people's suggestions therefore you can easily make enemies. Although it is good to maintain your own character but it doesn't mean you totally ignore other people's thoughts and feelings. You will let people think you are hard to
handle and you will lose friends gradually and may end up alone.You need to learn to accept other people's opinion. This will make your social circle bigger and you will understand yourself better.

Friday, October 12, 2007

雨 = 泪





Thursday, October 11, 2007



What do you Expect?

What do you expect from this composing class?

Anonym 1:
希望可以学到如何作曲 (以最简单的方式)
Do more practice instead of theory only (give some “easy” homework to do)

Anonym 2:
Recording System, composing music, mastering
录音工程,录音system, 编曲,作曲,制作

Anonym 3:
How to use Adobe Audition Software
Learn how to compose songs
Have a chance to perform e.g. music night, song composing competition

Anonym 4:
Maybe many have interest, but do not know how to become creative people
May be show us to create song in the class or guide us to create song together

Anonym 5:
Learn how to compose songs
Learn more about music
Learn more about songs

Anonym 6:
Learn to compose song, lyrics, and know some friends who have the same interest

Anonym 7:
To have more practical practice instead of theory
To carry out the teaching in English please

Anonym 8:
To learn instrument can be related song composing

Anonym 9:
学怎样写词,作曲 (在什么情况,朝什么方向写)
怎样用简单的chord 来找曲

Anonym 10:
Know how to produce a song (how to write note)

Anonym 11:

Anonym 12:
I hope to learn how to compose songs and lyrics
I hope to gain exposure on how to compose a song, hear some sharing and experience from trainers
I hope to have an interactive session during the activity (learn and practice practically what had learn during every session.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007



Friday, September 14, 2007

Creative way of learning

1. Listening to the songs and sing out loud

2. Recording down your voice while reading from the book you want to read(if you feel your voice is silly, change it to another tone) so that you won'll feel annoying and willing to listen it.

3. Choose articles which you like and read out loud.

4. Go through your book few times. Repeat your reading and practice it in your real life

5. If you want to hold on certain ideas from the book you have read, place it prominently in your home.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Looking for a better Job?

When you feel that this job is not suitable for you, it may because of few
1.) You do not have the knowledge even you get the job that you want.
2.) You do not like the job and yet you feel that this job is the only one that
you can get high salary.
3.) You simply choose job whichever you apply for.
4.) You cannot cope with the environment or the cultural of the company.
5.) You feel that you are wasting your time when working on that job.
6.) It is questionable about getting into promotion in future.
7.) You are in doubt of getting other new job that is related to your current
job- now.

Many people think that the knowledge that we learn from school, college, or university are wasted and not be put into practice. In my opinion, that is not truth. It is simply because we do not know how to apply our knowledge into practice and it does not mean we do not have a chance to practice it. Chance is not received from granted. We only get a better chance when we appreciate our current job and if we are working hard.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007





A good start

Everyone must have been thought that one day they want to become as a businessman, scientist, doctor and so forth.

No matter what you want to do, it is important for us to have a good start. A good fundamental preparation is a vital step before moving into the next steps.

Not many people is willing to take risk once they satisfied with what they have now. I would always remind myself that I should not feel satisfaction in what I am doing right now. Even I have reached to the higher stage. I need to challenge myself and to become a great 'warrior'. Everyone has wild-ambitious. The great sign of it is that you would feel more enjoyable when working along with your right path.

Without a doubt, a good start must have a well-prepared and to have a great in passion, desire and interest. Without these you will be losing all along your way. Everyone must try their best to get what they want instead of wishing that your return is greater than your hard work.

Many creativity ideas and planning i have been thinking of until now but none of these have been completed. I'm wondering how am I going to reach on that stage. But, one thing for sure is that I wont give up my hope 'till the end of my life. I will keep searching and doing the best I can and hoping that one day I can become a successful entrepreneur.

Monday, September 03, 2007


I ever dream of getting award and recognition of my dream career or business. I will keep searching what are the award that is given by many organizer and the objectives of it.

I will keep upload all the website addresses here so that you guys can check it out.

One of the awards presented by Nokia 6300. It is very good for anyone who hopes that one day they can become a social enterpreneurship like them. :)

Kindly go through this website


It is for sure that many people do not bother what is law until things happened. They would rather hire a lawyer to handle the case. Certain laws we should know and it is for our own good. I'm more likely to read those articles which have more relate towards our real life.

I would like to share some articles regarding law in Malaysia

Credit for Project Bazooka

I would like to intro you our local social enterpreneur who is promoting our local bands and artist and album in their website,

Please go through their website and find out more about their stories!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Title Amendment

After gone through my blogger, I found out that there was something missing in my blogger. My blogger should not just include music + career + luv. It should be more.

I finally rephrased my title and added more issue which I would like to tell. My interest refers to composing music and reading (Biz, Law, Chinese, English and Historical). My Luv refers to family & friends relationship. Healthy refers to my healthy life and sweet memories. $ refers to money which I believed that with all of these, my life will be at a very satisfactory stage.

I keep searching my interest and my path. In order to decide my path is not as easy as I thought. It is hard to predict what your future will be. I dare not say I already 100% confirm of my interest and my path, but I can affirm that I'm closing to it.

Hoping that God always bless me and my vitality and great mentality will last long forever.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Ngah Choy Gai

Ok, I tell you what, there are many places which you can explore and find those famous food!

I found out that there are two restaurant which are very famous in that ipoh town, which is Restaurant Lou Wong Tauge Ayam Kuetiau 老黄牙菜鸡河粉 and Restaurant Oon Kee 安记鸡河粉.

I would prefer Low Wong because it is the oldest restaurant in town and the food is delicious. Below is the address:

Restaurant Lou Wong Tauge Ayam Kuetiau 老黄牙菜鸡河粉
No. 49, Jln Yau Tet Shin,
30300 Ipoh, Perak.

Restaurant Oon Kee 安记鸡河粉 (Opposite Lou Wong)

Both are just near to the junction of Yan Tet Shin Street & Orbourne Street

Friday, July 27, 2007




Saturday, June 16, 2007






Sunday, May 13, 2007


再多一个星期,我就将离开Sg Long, 居住在新地方, 金宝。我不知道我这样的打算,算不算是对的选择。有人说,那里是非常好的发展地方,也有人说那边是不会有好的发展空间。 大家都有自己的想法,我不会计较谁对谁错。我只能说的是,只要那里符合了我想要的东西,我就会朝着那个方向尝试。很多人会很奇怪为什么我会选择那个地方,原因很简单,因为那里可以让我宁静的思考我的路要怎么走和暂时放下烦恼的好地方。有时候我需要安静,也有时候我也需要热闹。感谢那些一直陪伴着我的朋友,如Eugene (一直都不舍得我离开的家伙,你要好好过哦, take care !!,仲辉(无所不谈及家中的欢乐丸),Lisan (你的用心,我心领了) Khoo & Syuk Yee (千里迢迢从SerembanKL找我,万分感动)Mandy (知道你没空来,心灵的祝福,我已满足,你要好好的过,继续加油)。大家等我,期待我的变化,我的梦想希望能够慢慢实现,也盼望你们能够实现梦想。


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Plan for good, Good to plan

"One day I'm really scared when I passed away, when I were on the bed, ah... I should do that...I should do that... I haven't done that. But now, everything I LIKE it, I just do it!" - Jackie Chan.

Gotta think about this in one second. "Click!" You mean't it Baby...

Well, after received a reply from my manager, it is confirmed that I need to go to Kampar on duty.

Think it as your holiday trip, think it as your time to change, this it as your moment to do things that need to be done – THINK OF YOUR FUTURE.

As what I can say is that Kampar is a great place to stay and work. It has a beauty lakes which I can do fishing, a nice garden which I can jogging, stay away from a traffic jam place, taking nice photos around kampar & ipoh, exploring everywhere in bidor, tapah, kampar and ipoh, reading books, enjoying independent life, thinking of future business plan….

By using one year of working in Kampar, I believed that I will be getting better in experience and looking some other job. My job now acts as a fundamental job. This could really mean that it will help me to slowly keep pace with my future plan.

22-1-2007 to 22-1-2008, this is the time where I need to be more serious on work and my plan. 250 days left started from today…

Things that I need to settle before going Kampar
1. Streamyx & Telephone Bill
2. Rental
3. ePublic Bank Account

Few things that I would like to improve and carry out

1. Compose more songs
2. English proficiency
3. IT Knowledge
Do some research on the e-commerce
4. ‘Patology’
5. Looking for the date of career fair, education fair
6. General Knowledge (Feng Shui & Marketing & Sales)
7. Business plan
8. Participate in Taekwondo
9. Learning Guitar (looking for si fu)

Things to be equipped before going there….
1. Digital Camera (If necessary)
2. Laptop
3. Hand phone kitset
4. Getting wireless modem

Information which must have in Kampar.
1. First aid kits
2. Useful Telephone Directory - Police/Ambulance/Fire/Security
3. Map & Directory of Kampar

Documents & Items which need to be prepared in Kampar
1. Contact - Directory of Telephone Extension & Email Address
2. Uni Chop/Stamps
3. Bus Service Contact
4. Documents (Petty Cash record, Loan & Scholdarship s/w & h/w,)
5. Utar Tmnet

Tuesday, April 24, 2007




有能, 是因为我觉得我能够实现这个希望

无力, 是因为我无法作出一些实际的行动






Positions - Good or Bad?

Video Editor

An established production house looking for creative video editors that thinks out of the box. full-time or part-time, experienced final cut pro.

Budding 2D Animators With Knowledge of Flash (Training & Growth) (Internship)(Kuala Lumpur - Kuala Lumpur)
Knowledge of Flash, Photoshop & Illustrator
Ability to do figure drawings using PC
Ability to work in a team environment
Ability to meet deadlines
Willing to work long hours
Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
Training & Growth:
6 weeks Flash Animation Training for orientation
First-hand training by expatriate trainer from Los Angeles
Mastery of unique animation skills not found in local companies

20 Webdesigners needed with experience in HTML, Flash, php, Frontpage. Staying in Klang Valley & have own transport to meet clients. Project basis with high income potential. Work from home. Challenging but rewarding.

Hmm.. interesting position. I wish to become part of it!


Saturday, April 21, 2007

What job is suitable for you? Web consultant?

Job Title : Business Development Executive

This role is an excellent opportunity for someone with an interest in new media who wishes to succeed in sales. You will be working with a small team of talented and experienced designers and developers in a warm and friendly environment.

Job Role : Selling our services to companies that may require web design, hosting solution, graphic design, multimedia or flash animation and other web services. You will be responsible for a small amount of cold calling and lead generation, as well as backing up our marketing campaigns and dealing with sales enquiries that are generated by us. You will be responsible for the development of the sale from start to finish. If you can bring in the prospects, our service and work will sell itself.

Training: We will equip you with all required knowledge and skill for you to be able to deliver the's not a must, but it would be nice if you have more of the listed below:- Ability to do Internet research- Good interpersonal, communication skills and negotiation skill.- Self motivated with attention to detail.- Strong customer service skills- Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.- Ability to work well independently and in a team environment.- Experience using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).- Sales force experience a plus.- Sales and marketing experience, online experience a plusAge Range: 20 – 30 years old and posses own transport.

Compensation: Based on what you could offer to the company.

Hmm.. that was interesting.. but as far as i concern, this job is really tough and quite stressful. Y? cold calling will bit you out. Bcoz i have been overpast that moment, it is really hard and not so easy to get prospect. Compared to 5 years before, it is very easy to get more sales in web design. Now, people is looking more towards ecommerce and other things instead of static simple web site. So, if you really wanna do this job, first, self-motivation, 2nd - great in knowledge, 3rd - good in presentation skill , 4rd - travel, 5th participation in many events, 6th hard work.


Hey young man, now here is the tips to all Malaysian people especially guys.
Ok.. let us get one thing straight!

After a few times of getting out wif some lovely girls, I feel like it is more advisable for everyone to find a girl who is really like you instead of you. Y? Now here is the reason.

1) You will not be getting a very heartbreak when you have been pissed off. You will not feel rotten as pain as more than they do. Of coz, the important thing is that BOTH must be showing their loves to each others. Apparently, I got this experience and it was really hurt in tragedy when I was too loving her.

2) Secondly, looking for someone who has many topics to discuss with. Instead of just talking about love, they are willing to share thoughts, future, planning, $, and everything that can hold the relationship in tide. Both accept their strengths and weaknesses and help to improve both. No doubt, when both have some arguments, they should be calm down at first. Then one should apologize to another and know how to settle instead of just leave it alone.

3) Nice, good looking versus sexy girl, 2active will not last for long. Y? e.g. Is just like an artist. Everyone likes you when you have everything, nice voice, body, good looking face blah blah.. but when he/she have been caught getting drugs, or even received a say from many witneses that she is a lesbian, her reputation will seriously been whack out by millions of fans and people even his/her agent. Everybody will try to blame her even she is innocent even she said no. Although it is pity, but it is the fact. So, dun find anyone who is too near to perfect BUT it is depend on how is the capability of you handling things. If you dun have optimistic mind, and you think that you are able to live with the perfect match, then you will have no trouble with a question like – Y I’m so weak?. To me, sorry, no way.

4) When fate comes, you need to grab it by your own. When you have a sense, you must take an action. Or else you will regret. Trust me. At least you have tried instead of just dreaming and dreaming and dreming…. WAKE up man, be a MAN, everything starts from initiative action… you try many things. You try how to live in the competitive place, you try how to get to know your family and friends, you try how to be more mature, you try to work hard... .. In your life, you are always try & try. It is not a matter of how good the result is, it is the matter of how well you have done in the whole progress.

5) No triangular Love PLEASE. Although you have a good reason Y you still wanna stay with him/her… I tell you wat… it is a TRAP! You gotta wake up and leave them alone. You will have a good day now but not in future. Think twice, you have a good sweet day, but in the end you’ll get nothing. This kinda love is like an injured. If you do not take any medicine in an early stage, you will get more serious in pain and more work to be done to cure your pain. So let’s get away from the pain.

6) No TURNING Back. When you failed one. Try not to come back and pushing yourself into it. Even you got his/her body(acceptance), you will not get their soul(believed) as you are forcing him/her to accept you. If someone tells you that he/she dun like you, it is TRUE. People will not say 'I dun like you' if they are forced to say so. When someone say that 'I’m just ok', in fact it is really not OK. Everyone is OK when problem is completely settled. Get it? If you insist not to follow the game, either you will be losing your friendship or you will be kicking your butt or slapping on your face

Eh... Common, when talking about lov.. y I can write so many words here? Ok, now I gotta tell you that I need to take some rest and stop writing this .. gotta move on to the next one! Peace!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


天啊, 我要如何突破? 为何我的脑力总是充满着希望,可是我就是不去行动.



时间慢慢流走, 我能够坐以待毙吗?

我为何会这样, 有谁能够给我答案.. 能给我一把开门的钥匙…难道钥匙就在我的心里面?…





Saturday, March 24, 2007


看见Interwacity 开始进行, 我突然启发了一些思想.时间一到,节目就准时开始.那是有计划的时间安排和明显的目标.时间匆匆流走,人们不断的向前走.人一出世就向前爬,向前看.进步是非常重要的.如果在一天里面进步一巴仙,365天不就等于一年里成功的进步了解365巴仙了嘛!人不应该怠慢,懒惰,遐想,必须脚踏实地,一步一步慢慢的耕耘,未来必有大收获!地球不断运转,人的心脏不听的跳动,虽然说这些是自然的状况,就因为自然,它并没有顾虑到何时候停顿下来.人的思想很复杂.它就是会控制人的行动.当然人体有限,但是工作的效率必须大于休闲的时间.设想人最冲刺的时候是趁年轻,就像一架机器,一旦老化,机器就失去它有的功能.朋友,加油吧!

Monday, February 26, 2007





如果你不是一位专业制作人, 你也可以作出很好的Demo.



1.必须有一定的音乐细胞,如何才说是音乐细胞呢?音乐细胞得人是能够对声音十分敏感的人。如唱歌,懂得节拍,善用某种乐器,电脑软件(如:fruity loops, cubase, adobe audition),他都很快的吸收,略知一二。在我们小时候所经历过的事情,往往都会跟声音很有巨大的接触。如宝宝一出世就会哭,笑,这些都不需要教,也不需要看些书籍,自然而然的我们就会轻而易举的学会。这就是所谓的细胞。有些人,就是不会唱歌,也不懂什么时候才可以进入那首歌里头的开始,那么我想这些人不是太适合作音乐。一位貌美如花的女孩,无论怎样他就是胜在于自然美,这是它的天生独有的美貌细胞。至于如何掌握音乐知识,其实是在先后不断的练习和栽培,慢慢的你就会拥有了这些知识。有那位一出世就懂得什么是fade in, fade out?所以说,要成为一位制作人,他的音乐细胞是非常强烈及热忱的。




以上都是个人的想法及经验 如有共同点,请给予意见!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007




(吉隆坡訊)唱片業者控訴大多數馬來西亞人不尊重版權,摧毀了大馬唱片業的基礎,本地唱片銷售額已經從10年前約2億9000萬令吉;跌至2005年的9700萬令吉。音樂創作人版權保護協會(MACP)董事兼資深音樂製作人陳宗逸指出,多數大馬人不尊重版權,只要價錢便宜就允許盜版,唱片業的不景、創作歌曲的消失都是版權不受尊重所要付出的代價。公司顧問的陳宗逸說,目前每年推出市場的本地中文唱片不超過100張,盜版使大馬唱片業的情況更加惡化。他舉例,滾石舉辦一場歌手簽唱會,能輕而易舉吸引過萬名歌迷,諷刺的是該名歌手在馬的唱片銷量卻只有一兩千張。本地華裔歌手銷量過萬不超過5人“暫且不說海外歌手,本地華裔歌手唱片銷量過萬者至今也不超過5人,說得難聽些,很多大馬歌迷都是盜版擁護者。“不尊重版權的損失是無形的,有一天我們將只有舶來品,再也聽不到富有本地色彩的音樂,大馬遲早走入文化沙漠,因為音樂、文學、藝術得不到尊重和認同。”在唱片業擁有26年經驗的陳宗逸坦言,在外國包括港、台,憑寫書寫歌而致富的人比比皆是,不過在大馬簡直不可能出現,因為大馬缺乏栽培和鼓勵創作人才的環境。“對歌手而言,大馬沒有賺錢的空間,原因包括代言費低、演唱會辦不起、唱片滯銷等。”“樹大有枯枝”法令雖完善執法出問題陳宗逸表示,大馬雖然擁有一套相當完善的版權法令,不過卻在執法上出現“樹大有枯枝”的尷尬局面。“不管任何組織總會有爛蘋果,PPM也一樣,政策很清楚,但無法在執行上確保儘善儘美。”版權在許多國際協議中是倍受重視的環節,一個國家要朝先進國邁進,就必須做出妥協。他說,大馬和許多國家簽署版權保護合約,包括Berne Convention,使出口合約國的大馬唱片獲得版權保護,這些都是我國走向先進國的起步。他說,1987年我國版權法令修改後,賦予版權擁有者徵收公開播歌費,多年來許多不符合大馬國情的灰色地帶被修改,不過最終此法令必須是符合國際協議精神。“1987年版權播歌風波開始出現,因為從前不必付費的東西現在要繳費,然而走到今天,我們有必要去瞭解版權,包括多層次版權及其背後的意義。”一張音樂光碟不止一家公司收版權費一張音樂光碟是詞曲人、編曲人、歌手及唱片公司等製作人的智慧結晶,在版權法令中有多層版權及智慧產權,所以會有超過一家的公司收取版權費。每張專諿的版權費計算●錄音著作權●曲詞版權和演繹權(Artist Right)――分為私人用途、公播、複製和電子媒體廣播。公開播放版權費計算●大馬唱片播放版權有限公司(PPM)代表唱片公司徵收錄音製成品的公播版權費●音樂創作人版權保護協會(MACP)代表作曲作詞人徵收詞曲版權費●音樂演藝者權益(馬)有限公司(PRISM)代表藝人和音樂人收演繹版權費換句話說,同一張專輯內的歌曲公開播放,就須要向PPM、MACP及PRISM 3個版權管理組織付費。 (星洲日報‧2007.02.20)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine Day!!

Happy Valentine Day to all my dear friends. As usual, I'm still waiting for the existance of another half. But, what to do, all is just depend on fate. Fate, I am not so 100% believing in fate. Sometimes, we need to take some action. But, it is useless if we do not have any target. That's why, we need to be patient and hope that, one day, the angel will come and help us. One day, we will not be so pity till no one can understand how is our feeling.

Anyway, 2007 is my gorgeous year. My constellation warning me that tis year I have a good luck. So, I need to try again and hope that I can success in everything that I pray for.