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Saturday, December 31, 2005

永别了 2005

2005年, 将要过去了。回想起这一年里,最大的收成也就是音乐上的突破。万万没想到我这么大把年纪了还能够创作写歌,通常人家都已经在事业上走着轨道。






赞! 我的歌入围了!

Email received from Mainstream
入围了!入围了! 终于我的歌曲 - 自伤自怜入围了! 感谢仲辉,以及其他喜欢我歌的朋友们。没有让你们失望。
也感谢超级好歌选秀赛, 给我机会,也给我了信心。


可是,那首歌曲被采纳,也证明了我之前的选择是对的。之前我的心中就有两首歌曲希望被选到。 一是对你的种种,二是自伤自怜。虽然我望望没想到的是排在我心中第二位置的歌,自伤自怜确是他们的喜爱。但是至 少这些猜测带给我一点信心。信心在那地方呢?信心在于选择歌曲,选择人们心中最爱。


可是不管怎样,我还是成功入围了, 我一定会把它唱好。

自伤自怜 曲: 许 乾元 词: 范 仲 辉



看部电影 没人陪
餐厅吃饭 独自醉
被你看见 自伤自怜 没有便!







Friday, December 30, 2005

Music Competition's Resume - 音乐比赛摘要



1996 - English Song Competition
Inunhabited World - Composed by Tony Khor, lyric by Sally Ngan

1997 - 华文学会主办(华语歌曲)
凭着我们的创作 - 父亲,赢了冠军和全场总冠军。姐姐也在那时见证了我那光辉时刻。

1998 - 为KRS(Kadet Remaja Sekolah) 写了一首歌 - KRS 你是我的宝贝,当场闭幕时感动了每一位的心,甚至有人哭了,也舍不得离开。

1998 - 全国歌曲创作比赛 ~迴聲

1. 母亲
2. 我以为
3. 用心 (闽南歌)

1998 - Bakat Chung Hwa
1. 想念她 (华语独唱 - 冠军)
2. 你的朋友 (组合 - 亚军)


2005 - 在UTAR成为音乐学会的音乐创作训练者 - Music Composing Coordinator/Trainer.

2005年 8月- 参加了中国流行音乐原创作品大赛
1. 坎坷爱情
2. 幸福月光

2005年12月 - 参加 [超级好歌选秀赛]
1. 自伤自怜 4.27
2. 星星 4.01
3. 天国心愿 2.24
4. 对你的种种 4.53
5. 谁错 Shui Cuo 4.25

Monday, December 26, 2005

My Demo has done!

Yea yea.. this is a truely moment that I can rest for a while bcoz I have completed 5 Demo songs in two days. Wat a hurry working experience. I will post my demo here once the demo is submited to the hand of Mainstream. Haha... you know... for copyright purpose. You can't blame me for not giving you a priority to listen my songs, ok? Deal. Haha... Thanks for Boon in helping me submitting the demo to them. I hope both of us can enter to the top 10 list!! .. Pray & pray & pray...

5 Demo songs are as follow:

Song Name

1. 自伤自怜 Zi Shang Zi Lian 4.27
2. 星星 Xing Xing 4.01
3. 天国心愿 Tian Guo Xin Yuan 2.24
4. 对你的种种 Dui Ni De Zhong Zhong 4.53
5. 谁错 Shui Cuo 4.25

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!... --hmm...why im alone ar??

25 Dec 2005, its another reminder for me that the 2005 is going to end soon. Haha...wat a mess.. so many things not be able to complete. What to do? Blame my laziness la.. Aiyo.. But, right now im doing for the song composing competition for this coming wednesday. It is organized by mainstream. I think I can give a credit to myself as a Christmas gift. Haha.. sigh~ hope that this time I can be the top 10 list la... Hope Hope Hope..

Now.. still doin doin doin... composing composing.....

Monday, December 19, 2005

theme song's feedback.... Great!

I'm very happy as I have gained the support and trust from committees of my talent in composing music. Many committees like my song which I composed for their theme song - A dream is wish your heart makes. Committees wish to listen more songs from me. Hoping that this proposed song can be selected as for the USS 2006 next year.

Maybe some people may think that this is just a small contribution and nothing special, but this will make me feel confident and believe in my creativity in composing song.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The USS 2006's proposal has been approved!

What a relief. Finally, the proposal has been approved by DSA. It is difficult to imagine how hard the proposal to be approved.

Updated Photos on 11/10/2007:

I really feel proud of those committees members because they are really hardworking and capable. I feel that I still have a lot of things to learn from them. Luckily, I did not keep on proposing to become music club president before the new music club has been established.

My brain tells me that I still lack of knowledge and I look something too narrow. Now, I have seen the real example done by new committees members. They are really 'professional' and active. I think my decision not to become a president but a learner is the right way. In other words, I'm still not qualified.

After the approval of the proposal, it's time for me to figure out the real and possible way of utilizing the budget given.

(updated photos on 11/10/2007)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

At last, my teaching journey has ended for this sem!

5 Weeks in teaching gives me a lot of experience and entertainment. The students made a lot of fun and good in learning. Although I'm still not very satisfied with my teaching as there still got something which I need to alter and arrange it properly. However, I feel a great proud of myself that I finally had acheived something which I thought that I wouldn't able to acheive - which is involving in music part again.. I will not forget this in my life that brings a lot of enjoyable fun to me. To me, this has became a history.

Below are activities which I teached for my lovely students:-

Week 3, 26/10/05 , Wednesday

The first class was allocated at venue 700 and started from 4.30 to 6.00 p.m. The main purpose of this first class was to introduce the objectives of music composing class and what sort of activities and assignments will be given to students from time to time.

Besides that, I was responsible to tell the students about the major events that have been planned by our music club committees for the next semester. I explained to them about when and what are actually those events for. Those events include Utar Star Search 2006, Music Composing Competition and Musical Night. Next, I also told them about the courses that we will cover started from today until week 6.

After this, students were asked to introduce themselves. This is to understand and evaluate what are their strengths and weakness in term of music. Next, students were assigned to a position which they think they want to be. Positions include songwriter, musical instrument player, or singer. They were then grouped into minimum 3 people and maximum 6 people. Each group was required to think about their band name. The purpose of getting into group is to keep coordinating and collaborating with their teammates to achieve a set of goals.

Next, I basically told them what is the actual sound recorded for a CD compared to other sound format that we listened, for instance the difference between mp3 and wave format. Lastly, I introduced to them software called Adobe Audition 1.5. It is a kind of home recording software which can teach them to compose a song.

Week 4, 02/11/05, Wednesday

Holiday (Hari Raya) – No activities was held for this week.

Week 5, 10/11/05, Wednesday

This week I had changed the style of teaching. I would prefer to use sharing technique rather than just teaching. Students are encouraged to participate in the class and give some feedback. Since there were many new comers in this class, I introduced myself what was my background and what was my experience in music. I also showed them my masterpiece of my song which I created from year 1998 until the latest time. This is to convince them that they would learn many useful and practical things from me in terms of composing music.

I introduced them some useful websites which provides a lot of news and local production songs created by local composers. They can also post their questions inside the forum to get the answer from local composers. At the same time, I also introduced them some great notes and books which I would use it as part of my teaching lessons.

Next, I also reminded them that the class has limitation. We are lack of trainers and instruments which would probably cost a lot of money that we could not afford to get it. Therefore, the only way to minimize the budget we have is to do home recording. It is kind of do-it-yourself (DIY) recording.

Besides, I also told the students how basically the flow of final products is made. Before finished the class, each of students is asked to find two lyrics together with song which they think that it is good and terrible for them. They need to come out the reason of why they selected them. This small assignment will then be presented by next week activity.

Week 6, 16/11/05, Wednesday

The class was allocated at venue 804 and started from 4.00 to 5.30p.m. Student was invited to go out and present their selected two songs which I told them to prepare last week. After the presentation, I used their lyric as my teaching lesson today. By looking the lyric, I gave them a clear picture of how to structure the song lyric. Notes prepared by me were then presented by using projector. Important notice about creating songs, tips on writing song also been given to them. Few examples were shown to them so that they would have a clear understanding of what it actually means. I also recommended them to follow the rhyming and syllable pattern that usually being used by musician.

Students are also got a chance to participate with small activity. Few students are requested to come out and fill in the song structure of the particular lyric. For example, they need to allocate where intro, verse, chorus, bridge, and others were. At the same time, they were listened to the song before allocating the song structure accordingly.

I also told them what are the requirements and expectation of listener and musician in current trend in terms of lyrics. I also make a clear differentiation between the poem and lyric so that students would have a more understanding of the differences and would not make the mistake when writing lyric.

Lastly, I started introducing the Adobe Audition software. In order to make them used to it, I explain certain functions that normally being used and told them to go back and try the software. Due to lack of time, I finished the class after finished telling the functions of the software.

Week 7, 23/11/05, Wednesday

The class was reallocated at venue 703 due to closing at venue 802. The class started from 4.00 to 5.30 p.m. The first thing I taught was what type of sound formats are used in song composing. For example, sound formats like mp3, wav and midi. I explained each of them clearly and the differences. Next, I explained the meaning of sample rate.

Next, I also taught them how to use sound effects when necessary. I also told them when and where the sound effects can be allocated. I also played some examples to them so that they would have a clear understanding of what I meant.

After this, I started demonstrating the Adobe Audition software. Software was presented by using a projector so that students would have clear picture of how the software is running. Today, I emphasized in recording the sound part. Volume setting was also been taught so that they know how the mike got connected correctly. Next, I asked two students to be my player and singer. Both were important to record their sounds. After that I explain carefully the waveform that was generated by them. Lastly, I taught them how to save the file.

Theme song for the Utar Star Search 2006

This is especially another song for our event known as Utar Star Search 2006. Hopefully, my composing song will be taken as their final decision and sing in that event. The song lyric as follow:

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by Kimberley Locke

Download theme song

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're feeling small, yeah
Alone in the night you whisper
Thinking no one can hear you at all
You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know, tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true, oooh, yeah

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know, tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true
No matter your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
Ooh, yeah, come true

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

An enjoyable experience

After few days in teaching, I feel that students start to accept my teaching style. I do not like to force anyone to participate in the class. Normally what I will do is ask them who wish to participate. Some people like to share ideas and this give me a good sign.

My first duty is to teach them what criterias that need to be taking care of in writing a lyric. I don't limit their scope of learning. As long as they have an idea of what to write and tell a story, I just let them go ahead.

I hope that they are able to compose a song within a short period of time. Hopefully, they are able to complete a song and participate in competition.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

First Day Teaching

Wow wow.. time reached at 3pm sharp. It was my turn to introducing my music composing class to my members after finished the choir class. Nothing much worried about my performance at first, but got stuck on the last task when forming groups.

First day teaching was quite fun and a bit tension, the class was crowded with more than 20 members who came from different courses and semester. Most of them were very desired to know what the class could offer them. After giving them some explaination of what is the purpose of having this class, they started to build up some confident and believed in what will be taught in this class. Due to time concern, I did not have much time to explain well about my whole program. I believed that many members ignored what I had told them and yet still did not clearly understand how is the program running. I will repeat and elaborate more about program after Hari Raya holidays.

Before next class starts, there are still a lot of things to be managed. I need to take care of the quality of the lesson and also what are the useful materials that they require for their learning. The next problem that I need to take care is the time, trainers, and also forming groups. Sometimes it might not fit to everyone's time schedule as I know that this semester would be a very 'buzy' semester. Certain students may not able to come for the class. This will affect the whole process of learning. Looking for trainers is also another important consideration.

Since this composing club is a new club for everyone including me, and I believe that only Utar has this so called 'special' class that only offering composing music lesson. Three of these problems must be settle ASAP.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Utar Idol

Utar Idol is one of big event that will be hold in my campus by next year. Everyone in a team seems very excited about how are they going to succeed the event. The event needs a lot of people to handle the event. Many empty post are available. I didn't look through every single post in detail. I just pick one of the position which I think I can handle which is Deco & Design Manager. No doubt I believe that my creativity spirit still be with me. I know that this will be my challenge and yet it will help me to boost up my art talent. I really want the task and guess what, my assistant also name khor. I hope that we both can do a great work.

From what I know about Deco and Design is that I need to plan the theme of the event with collaboration from Program Manager. I have the responsibility to decorate and design the stage and venue according to the theme and lastly I am required to lead the on stage and back stage team to decorate and design the venue. Basically I have to coordinate with two managers who are Program manager and also the back stage manager.

No matter how, do hope that I can perform my task well and everything goes fine.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Music Club Theme Song

After having a brief music club meeting on tuesday, I really want to thank Wen Qiang bcoz he has given me a chance to take part in music club theme song. Once again, I have a chance to compose a theme song as what I did for my KRS during seconday school. It would be a headache for me at first, but, once I gets thing done, it will eventually become my wonderful work.

I am also taking part in Design & Deco for our Utar Idol. Although I know it is a heavy task, it is a good experience and learning. There is nothing to lose and in fact it was me to volunteer and get into this assignment. So, be cheerful and enjoy work.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Composing Music Department

At last, I finally found a 'place' where I can distribute my work in music. Thanks to Wei Lun who gives me a chance to take in charge in this department. I am so excited and thinking of what I can do for my handled music members. Besides that, I also feel little anxious about my incapabilities. Many things need to be planned and testified before starting the activities. Although I have some worried about this, I believe thru my hard work and interest, nothing can stop me. The club will be started in week 3. Hopefully everything gets done in schedule. Below are the activities designed by me throughout the short semester.

Week 3 (26/10/05)

Overview of composing and defining the objectives of the department

Forming and assigning a small group of minimum 4-5 people and each of them are responsible to take part in different roles. For example, the group will consist of song writer, singer, composer, and musical players.

Evaluating the members of the group and identify what are the strengths and weaknesses of each members in term of music capabilities.

Assign certain people from music club members to manage the department process if necessary.

Week 4 (02/11/05)

Holiday – No activities

Week 5 (09/11/05)

Introducing the fundamental requirements and basic needs required for making a song with an emphasis to DIY (Do-It-Yourself).

Presenting the different genre of music that exists in the world.

Week 6 (16/11/05)

Introducing the basic chord techniques and analyzing how they are being played in different ways (Part 1).

Showing music clips thru projector. Clips includes interview of artists and latest news.

Introducing and recommending certain softwares that are recently used in a market for composing music.

Week 7 (23/11/05)

Requiring each member to bring some lyrics for evaluation and understanding what are the expectations of consumers in the current trend.

Each group is required to complete their own lyric and submit their own song that has a complete lyric after next semester for evaluation.

Most recommended composer this month

This is the young and talent lady who had been found from the website known as

I like the lady very much because she has contributed a lot of creative songs and music to every fans and readers that love her. From her work, I can see her passion in music. Therefore, I like to give her a credit and invite everyone to read her website and blog at & Hope to find more great people like her and post it on the blog here.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Music Composition

After having my exam and holidays, I'm now back to live. Recently I received a new from music club president. He asked me for help in organizing small group of students in music composition. This is a great opportunity for me to approach with music and those great people and learn more stuff. I hope that before graduate, I am able to contribute something to music club members.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

2005中国流行音乐原创作品 入选佳作出炉

Finally the result has came out. I'm not in the list. Sigh~ Eventhough I had failed this time, but I will still keep going on. This is only my first time participate on this kind of competition, hope the coming competition will arise by next year. Below are the participants who succesfully go into final round. Congrates to all of them.

幸福意外 陈仁丰
仲夏的昏黄 刘永辉
我让你走 李江雁
憧憬与遗憾 陈奕源、傅志才
拥抱 Jasemaine
情何以堪 刘翰国
是与非 罗慧君
折翼天使 黄荣显
学会 佘金鸿、陈光良
春风 陈思聪

Monday, August 01, 2005

At last, two songs being submited

I'm very excited when there was a singing competition being conducted in Malaysia. The main idea of this competition is to find talented people who has the interest to create their own songs for competition. After being selected as the Malaysia's best 10 songs, those songs will be sent to China for competing into final round.

The title of this competition is known as below:
2005 中国流行音乐原创作品大赛

This competition really meant for me. As I have been waiting for so long searching for this type of competition, and finally,I found this one. Thanks to the great website which is called Even though I know many experts will participate on it, as long as I submit my final production, and my job is done. :)

Two songs have been done and I received a lot of encouragement from my friends. They really like the songs. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time, I can't make it perfectly in term of managing the background sound equally. Anyway, I still love my creation. Well done. Hehe.

Below are the advertisement taken from

星期六, 二零零五年 六月 二十五日


- 台下千日苦练方有台上闪光一刻, 音乐创作者抬头的机会来啦!

当今中国流行乐坛独树一帜的国际赛「第八届上海音乐节」主体活动之一的「2005中国流行音乐原创作品大赛-大马作品征集评选」 活动向广大的音乐创作者收集作品; 优秀的作品将会被送往中国上海参赛角逐最高荣誉!
「2005中国流行音乐原创作品大赛-大马作品征集评选」首次在大马公开征收作品, 其宗旨是为推动华语流行音乐原创歌曲创作; 促进原创音乐发展; 发掘流行音乐原创人、新作; 为华语流行音乐提供良好的创作环境和展示舞台。
Mainstream Music 是这项活动的征集中心, 并由「国际演艺者权益集体管理联会」见证此项跨国盛事。 为了甄选出具国际水准的作品参赛, 大马征集中心设立了评审组, 并邀请来自八打灵李伟菘音乐课室的资深音乐人马福盛担任首席评审。 此外, 这项活动也获得Ai FM全力支持, 并会在节目中广播参加详情。
大马的征集中心呼吁拥有创作才华的朋友踊跃参加, 不要埋没自己的才华。 因为, 作者的年龄, 性别以及从事职业等是无限制; 但参选作品必须符合的条件是 :

(一) 内容健康向上, 富有时代气息。 (二) 必须是属于流行音乐范畴的中文歌曲。 (三) 必须是未经正式出版或公开发表过的作品。 (四) 必须是已完成制作的音乐小样(demo)。

这次作品征集评选将充分体现「公开,公平,公正」的竞赛原则, 而征集中心将会挑选至少10首佳作送往上海参赛并有机会角逐以下奖项:

一等奖(1首)、 二等奖(2首)、 三等奖(3首)、优秀作品(10首)

在决赛入围作品中, 同时评选出「最佳歌曲演绎」及「最佳人气特别奖」。 所有获奖作品将可获得奖杯(奖证); 其中一、二、三等奖项得主可获得奖金或奖品。 另外, 根据上海总赛事的章程规定, 进入决赛入围作品将会在上海东方广播电台音乐频率等媒体播放, 使作品得到广泛宣传。 此外, 征集中心将会推荐优秀的作品给国内外著名版权公司; 让他们的作品有更多的扬名管道。

Below are taken from sin chew news:

《2005中國流行音樂原創作品大賽》徵大馬創作updated:2005-06-25 16:39:22 MYT


(八打靈再也訊)音樂創作者抬頭的機會來啦!當今中國流行樂壇獨樹一幟的國際賽《第8屆上海音樂節》主體活動之一的《2005中國流行音樂原創作品大賽──大馬作品征集評選》活動,向廣大的音樂創作者收集作品;優秀的作品將會被送往中國上海參賽角逐最高榮譽!Mainstream Music是這項活動的征集中心, 並由“國際演藝者權益集體管理聯會”見證此項跨國盛事。該聯會發言人王炳智表示,這是中國流行音樂原創作品大賽首次在大馬公開征收作品, 其宗旨是為推動華語流行音樂原創歌曲創作;促進原創音樂發展;發掘流行音樂原創人、新作; 為華語流行音樂提供良好的創作環境和展示舞台。Mainstream Music總經理張秀玉呼籲擁有創作才華的朋友踴躍參加,不要埋沒自己的才華。她表示,為了甄選出具國際水準的作品參賽,大馬征集中心設立了評審組,並邀請來自八打靈李偉菘音樂課室的資深音樂人馬福盛擔任首席評審外;著名音樂人管啟源,填詞人張國祥也是評審組員。此外,這項活動也獲得Ai FM全力支持, 並會在節目中廣播參賽詳情。出席發佈會的還包括了Ai fm代表陳國俊、音樂創作人管啟源、馬福盛。這次作品征集評選將充份體現“公開、公平、公正”的競賽原則, 而征集中心將會挑選至少10首佳作送往上海參賽並有機會角逐以下獎項︰一等獎(1首)、 二等獎(2首)、 三等獎(3首)、優秀作品(10首)另外, 根據上海總賽事的章程規定, 進入決賽入圍作品將會在上海東方廣播電台音樂頻率等媒體播放, 使作品得到廣泛宣傳。此外,征集中心將會推薦優秀的作品給國內外著名版權公司; 讓他們的作品有更多的揚名管道。有意參加的朋友, 其送選作品(數量不限)必須以CD形式連同歌詞及報名表格呈交至征集中心 ︰ Mainstream Music Sdn Bhd. No. 66A, Jalan SS 2/60, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE. 報名表格可以通過 網站獲取, 報名免費, 截止日期是2005年8月1號。 任何查詢請致電︰ 03-7877 1713.

Below are the songs which I created for the competition.

参赛曲目:坎坷情路 演唱:关秀芳,许乾元
作词:范仲辉 作曲:许乾元 编曲:许乾元 制作:许乾元 (DIY)


(男) 凌晨冷风 身体颤动
思潮在汹涌 那么空洞 那么的迷蒙

(女) 同样冷风 它更冰冻
带者你的痛 吹进心中 吹进我的梦

(男) 只想好好地停留在那里
(女) 只想永远都留在回忆
(男) 我想你每一秒
(合) 总比登天还难还高
(男) 我想和你永远不会分离
(女) 每一次都能拥抱着你
(男) 你想我有多少
(合) 不会有什么做不到

CHORUS (合) :
明白我用最真实的脚步 和你翩翩起舞
不能让你伤心痛哭 不能再走向歧途
明白我对你最真的付出 不再那样糊涂
我和你 会永远幸福

参赛曲目:幸福月光 演唱:许乾元 编曲:许乾元 制作:许乾元 (DIY)
作词:参考 吴诺权 之幸福月光/ 许乾元 作曲:许乾元

只有欢喜 没有苦涩的人生 幸福是海市蜃楼
只有辛酸 没有甘美的日子 幸福是空中楼阁
享受你喜爱的部分 和接受你不爱的部分


走错了该怎么办 跌跌撞撞



Looking for any website which can upload my songs so that everyone who like to hear can download. :)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

6 stories to remember

First day when I was entered the tutorial class of Management Accounting, I thought the class will be very boring class. Surprisingly, the tutor was really impressed me and my classmates when he told us that his salary per month could reach to RM50,000!

He told us how he so successful by given us six short stories. These stories really useful to me and I would remember it in my whole life.

1st stories: Number one

He told us that anyone of us must be Number one but not number two. Why? Easy. He asked us whether anyone knows who was the first astraunot stepped on the moon? Of course, most of student would answer Armstrong. How about the second person? Everyone seemed to be silent and none could answer the question.

2nd stories: Be different

He told us that after graduate, we all are competitors. In order to succeed in an interview, you must good in your 'package'. You must be different in the way of wearing, speaking, coorperating and etc.

3rd stories: Knows everything

He asked us how 7-11 different from others and if we opened a shop same as 7-11, why 7-11 so successful? Most of students answered business plan, brand name, location and etc. Tutor said they just a part of it but not the answer he want. Lastly, he told us that its 'everything'.

4th stories: What can u see?

He brought out his Nokia handphone and asked us what we can see. Students replied 'cheap', big, old and others funny answers. Tutor got upset. But, he then told us that, 'Can't you see my hand?'

5th stories: Surprise!

In a jungle, there were 3 guys. American, France, and Japanese. American was good in idea. So he asked France to bring back some wood for fire. He also told Japanese to get some supplies. Three of them started doing their job separately and promised to regroup after 1 hours. After 1 hour, American and France came back at time but not Japanese. They waited and waited. Lastly, they went to find the Japanese. Beside them there was a bush, they heard some noise rustling behind the bush and suddently..... 'Surprise!'. The Japanese thought that they want him to have them surprise instead of giving them some supplies. The morale of this is that the communication is important and by right should communicate properly.

Students praised the tutor saying that he is very hardworking. But the response of tutor was that, 'I'm not hardworking.'

Monday, June 06, 2005

Thinking of Her

Guys, if you are looking for someone you like, plz take a fast action. Nobody is willing to wait for you for so long. It is not worth to just think about her/him without letting him/her know. You never know if you don't try.


Xiang Nian Ta
曲: 许乾元 词:乾元

轻轻的摸着你的脸 不愿意说再见
看着你的头发上 沾着我无声的眼泪
脸表现彼此好好的过 但是为何却寻找另一个天空

每次使我烦千百遍 视而不见
总有一些人对我说 美丽的女子容易变
脸表现彼此好好的过 但是为何却寻找另一个天空

想念她 醒来的呼唤
坚强的挣扎 希望可以见到她

想念她 梦来的感觉

Sunday, June 05, 2005


"Hei..hei.. what happen to CY? Can somebody tell me why he join martial art?". Well, very simple, to get bonny. haha. Before joining this, I ain't received any impression about this. Until the time when I met a girl who encouraged me to join the taekwondo. At first, it seemed to me that taekwondo is a very aggressive and tiring exercises. It did stress a lot with your muscle and you totally would get pain at the end of the practice. After a few days of practices, I just realized that taekwondo not only can improve your ability in speed, agility, strength, healthiness, also make you feel 'easier' to sleep. Hehe. When we watch action movies , sometimes we forget to watch 'something'. Something that will be ignored by many audience when they watched. Which is the way of defeating enemy and defending themself. It is easy to watch but not in practice. Anyway, I will like to share the photo with you guys. Try to search the pic and tell me where am I. Hehe.

The Past

During the end of 1998, it was my last time in Chung Hwa school. It was an unforgetable day in my life. Although every1 seems to be very happy and enjoyable during the graduation ceremony, in fact, their heart full of tears. No one likes to be separated. The truth is that it is time for us to spent the rest of our life in continue exploring the 'unknown' world.

往 事 随 风
Wang Shi Sui Feng

曲: 许乾元 词:蔡惠敏

该 不 该 结 束 就 此 分 手
友 情 分 明 还 没 到 尽 头
因 为 你 们 的 出 现
一 字 一 句 打 动 我 的 心 扉

没 有 人 喜 欢 就 这 样 离 别
无 声 胜 有 声 的 感 觉
会 不 会 难 分 难 舍
不 知 何 时 才 于 你 相 逢

情 如 此 深 往 事 随 风
再 也 不 可 能 阻 止 时 间 停 留
无 法 再 保 留 无 法 再 挽 留
这 一 生 无 法 再 逃 避 的 记 忆
这 一 生 最 令 我 难 以 忘 记 的 事 是 咱 们 的 分 手

Music - My First Song I Ever Wrote

Music is part of my life. I couldn't live without music. Remember when I was in primary school, my bro won a first prize in drawing competition. The prize that he obtained was a guitar. I started to learn guitar at that time. In form 3, my classmate - Max and I borowed guitar books from his neighbour. That was the first time I created my own song.

Searching back my old music notes, I decided to post here to share among u guys. I still remembered that after finished writing the song and lyric, I spent a lot of time reviewing my lyric. That day, I couldn't leave the lyric away from my hand until I went to sleep. Maybe, I really felt a satistisfactory in completing a song like this. I told myself that I will keep on going to create more songs.

The song mainly described a childhood.

小 时 候。 长 大 后。
Xiao shi hou Zhang da hou

小 时 候 的 天 空 没 有 尽 头
无 忧 无 虑 的 心 没 有 伤 痛
可 爱 的 风 筝 在 空 中 飞 翔
陪 我 渡 过 童 年 到 天 涯 海 角

终 觉 得 长 大 后 是 种 负 担
怕 明 天 它 变 成 遗 憾
就 因 为 我 不 要
相 守 太 难
容 易 感 伤

终 觉 得 美 梦 不 能 太 长
任 时 光 流 转 它 没 有 答 案
因 为 我 已 经 长 大
我 要 创 出 美 好 明 天

Dam da da da da….

曲: 许 乾元 词:陈 家立,乾元

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Welcome my friends!

Finally, this is the way that I can express my thought and feeling as I wanted to. Thanks to blogger. I'm appreciate that.

There are mainly 2 BIG things that I would like to share with you guys and you might be interested with - my life and my music. I will touch on my past and present music that are produced by me.

So, you are always welcome back!